Table of Contents:
- Who’s the Bossy Twin?
- If There is One Thing You Envy About Your Sister What Would It Be?
- Do You Ever Fight?
- How Do You Two Create The Design Twins While Living Apart?
- Do you Divide and Conquer? Who Does What on The Design Twins?
- Are Our Styles the Same?
- How Would You Define The Design Twins Differences?
- How did The Design Twins get started?
- The Design Twins began on Instagram
- Advantages and Disadvantages of “Twinship”
- Why Did We Create The Design Twins?
behind the scenes at the design twins: an inside look behind the curtains
The Design Twins spill all their secrets with this behind-the-scenes look at their partnership, their blog, and their lives as identical twins.
There’s nothing we love more than spilling secrets. How did The Design Twins get started? How do you create The Design Twins several states away from one another? Who does what? How do you divide and conquer? Do we ever fight? We get lots of questions every day, so we’ve decided to spill the beans. Here is the behind the scenes scoop, all you ever wanted to know about what we do and how we do it.
Who’s the Bossy Twin?
“She is!” we both yell simultaneously while pointing and laughing at the other. Ok, so we both think the other one is the bossy twin. Why? Because you’ve never heard two people boss each other more than we boss each other. It’s true. When people spend time with us they usually are amazed at how we act toward one another. Imagine what you would do if you felt like you were talking to yourself. The thing is, we are so close that there really is no holding back. For better and for worse. It definitely creates a unique interaction. We only realize it’s unique from friends’ assessments.
If There is One Thing You Envy About Your Sister What Would It Be?
Jodie: Hmm, I think it would have to be how skinny Julie is. Oh, and how easily writing comes to her. Oops, that’s two.
Julie: Her seemingly endless motivation and creativity in her home. Where does it come from?
Do You Ever Fight?
The answer is yes, but hardly ever. Even when we were little we hardly ever fought and considering how much time we spent together it is rather miraculous. But then as now, if we ever have the slightest ill-feeling or disagreement, we clear the air very quickly. We cannot stay mad long. It’s like being mad at yourself. Imagine your best friend in the world being mad at you. It’s unbearable.
How Do You Two Create The Design Twins While Living Apart?
The truth is on any average day we call each other six to ten times, depending on the day. That doesn’t include tons of Instagram DM’s and of course text messages. When either of us gets in the car we call the other. Sometimes we are on speaker phone for so long we forget that we are still on the phone. We FaceTime when we want to show the other what’s happening in our homes, and photos are being sent via text and email pretty much non-stop.
Do you Divide and Conquer? Who Does What on The Design Twins?
Slight differences happen naturally because we are not the same person.
We absolutely divide up the tasks on our to do list. It’s surprising because the division of labor has happened very naturally and wasn’t something we predicted before we began this journey. We are both photographers, writers, decorators, and stylists. That being said, we have preferences. Jodie is more passionate about photography. She is our photo editor for the blog. Julie is the writer. She writes most of the posts and edits the posts Jodie writes.
The Design Twins Social Media Divisions
Jodie is in charge of social media accounts outside of IG like Pinterest and Twitter, while Julie handles much of the negotiations with companies for The Design Twins. Julie is so clueless regarding Pinterest she “accidentally” promoted a post which cost us several hundred dollars. Since then we keep Julie at arm’s distance from Pinterest. And together we both work together on our Facebook group.
Hands-on Crafter vs. Writer
Jodie is the crafter and DIY leader of the two and has always been more comfortable taking risks, trying things for the first time. Jodie managed to pull Julie out of her comfort zone and got her chalk painting, and Jodie is still the one who would rather be creating something or learning something totally new. This past year when Jodie was teaching herself to arm knit and to macrame for the first time, Julie was happier researching and writing our next blog post.
With The Design Twins Everything is a Collaboration
What’s interesting is that even though we each take the lead in these separate rolls we rarely do anything completely on our own. The word collaborate might as well have been created just for us because it defines how our blog is made to a tee. Even our Instagram accounts which appear separate are actually the result of a ton of back and forth advice giving and collaboration. We hardly ever post a picture that we haven’t passed by the other for approval or review. We do write our own posts (except for rare occasions, usually when there is a ton of detail involved) because this is our own “voice.”
Are Our Styles the Same?
Our styles definitely overlap, but we each have our own individual flair that makes us unique. In general, Jodie has a more casual, comfortable style, and Julie’s style is more refined and elegant. We both come together with a love of farmhouse decor, but neither of us can settle on just one style. What we have in common is that we love to combine different styles, and we adore change. Our current styles are in constant flux and meander through elements of modern, traditional, casual, farmhouse, global and cottage styles. Julie has touches of romantic and French, and Jodie has touches of cottage, global and Boho.
These same differences flow over into our fashion style. Julie is more refined and dressier while Jodie is more comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt. Julie’s make-up is always flawless, and Jodie is more of a minimalist in that department.
How Would You Define The Design Twins Differences?
Jodie | Julie
Casual | Refined
Sporty | Elegant
Risk taker | Not so much
Self-Conscious and Sensitive (socially) | Self-Confident and Brave (socially)
More confident in physical endeavors (leaving new crafts, boxing, dancing) | More confident in social situations (speaking and performing)
Note: These comparisons are for the sake of comparing. We are both sides at times, but when we compare ourselves to one another we come out on different levels of the spectrum.
To read more about twin life, read Insider’s article, “12 things that only twins will know to be true.”
How did The Design Twins get started?
It was Christmas, 2014 and Jodie came to visit me in our new house in Seattle. It felt like the beginning of a new era and in many respects it was. Jodie pronounced her brainstorm: “We should start a blog!” I looked at her with wild, disbelieving eyes and replied, “You are crazy! And what’s a blog?” We talked about the possibility, but honestly, we didn’t know what we would share or write about. We have many passions and interests. It was almost like us wondering, where would we begin?
The Design Twins began on Instagram
A blog seemed a long way off and not something we could envision. Coincidentally (or not) it was around the same time that we discovered Instagram. Originally, I joined to keep tabs on my teenagers’ postings. Meanwhile, Jodie discovered fashion and style accounts and told me how much fun it was. The first accounts we both followed featured personal style and fashion. It wasn’t long before I found the little home decor community. I was putting together my home. Since my family was completely disinterested in my decorating I decided to share with the world, and the rest, as they say, is history.
We found the home decor community on Instagram to be very friendly and more personal than other communities. Connecting with people was just as big of a draw as the inspiration aspect.
Advantages and Disadvantages of “Twinship”
Early on we realized we had it pretty good. Once we got out into the world (headed to school) we realized not everyone had a built-in buddy. This was news to us because of course we knew nothing else. People have always asked us, “What’s it like having a twin?” and our reply is, “What’s it like NOT having a twin?”
- someone to confide in, always
- having someone who really understands, often without using words
- a best friend for life
- second opinion on everything, partially biased but often brutally honest
- in blogging, we have a built-in editor for all our writing and a photo editor for all our photos
- always being compared to someone else
- growing up, we basically shared EVERYTHING. Even our birthday.
- being treated as one person, when you’re really two.
- being blamed for things your sister did. What? Um, like the time Jodie got a speeding ticket when she happened to be ‘borrowing’ Julie’s driver’s license. Oops.
Want to read more about our lives as twins? Read our blog post, “What It’s Like To Be a Twin” where we answer questions like:
- have you ever swapped boyfriends?
- did you ever trade classes at school?
- what’s your best twin story EVER?
Why Did We Create The Design Twins?
What drives us? What is the most important reason we are here? It’s because of you.
Why did we decide to stop decorating for a minute and share a post like this? It’s because creating relationships is what we’re all about. It’s why we started and it’s what drives us. No matter how many followers we gain we are still motivated by the individual connections we make and the individual lives that we touch. Our blog is about so much more than decor. It’s about sharing who we are with all of you. We invite you to introduce yourselves to us in a comment below or leave questions. We hope to get to know all of you and bring you along on this journey with us.

YOU guys are an inspiration to the entire country. Love what you’re doing. So happy to know you !!! xx’s from Houston
Marsha! What a loving reply! We told you in this post how we “divide and conquer”…well, this is Julie typing. I am the one who’s “job” it is to oversee our inbox and reply to each and every comment. When I receive messages like yours I realize that I am the truly lucky one…I earmark certain messages that are so genuine and loving that I simply must share them with Jodie so she can benefit too. Yours is one of those messages. Thank you!!! And God bless, Julie (& Jodie)
Hi Julie and Jodie -I so loved reading through your latest blog post! How fun to learn more about my two favorite friends! Hugs, Lisa xoxo
Aw Thank you my Sweet Friend!
It means so much to have your kind support. When we connect with amazing like-minded loving people the blessing is felt deep in our hearts. You know this because I know you feel the same. Bless you dear one, in all you do, always, Julie & Jodie
Loved reading this post ♥️????
Thank you for this post getting a little background on both of you. I enjoy your blog and pictures showing ideas. Thank you.
I can’t say enough how much I adore you two! What a gift to have each other, and what a gift (x2) you are to the Instagram community!! So very grateful for the knowledge, encouragement, inspiration, and love you both share! ❤️
We in turn are grateful to have been connected to you! You don’t realize how you have already blessed us! We are so honored to be even a small part of your Instagram journey. We know this is just the beginning for you and can’t wait to witness the positive affects you will have as you lead and grow using all your God-given talents (and a little help from The Design Twins…wink wink) Blessings, Julie & Jodie
Hi Jodie and Julie, appreciate all the work you both put into both your blog and instagram… have no idea how much I look up to you and that has nothing to do with your styling etc, but who you both are as Christian women ???? Thanks again and may God bless you both xx ????
Your kind words of support really do lift us up and help us to continue to inspire others. Our faith leads us every day in our decisions and we hope that people can feel our choices really are God-led. We hope that our decisions to act full of faith helps spread love and acceptance toward others. With gratitude, Julie & Jodie
First, I am so jealous! Haha, always wanted a sister and of course everyone thinks having a twin would be cool! Thank you for sharing a glimpse into your lives. You both inspire and encourage others with your faith, talent and openness.
Reading your reply had us both smiling inside and out. You described exactly what we hope to achieve: which is to inspire and encourage others through our faith and openness (oh, and if there is a tiny bit of talent that has y’all impressed then all the better haha!) Thank you, Dear One, for your sweet support. We hope you continue to join us on this journey. Blessings, Julie & Jodie
Loved reading about the two of you.! Throughout I was trying to figure out who was who and I did. I love the photo of you laughing against the wall and of you as children as well. Thank you for sharing your blog and I look forward to reading much more!
Haha, Frances, that’s awesome. We love those two pictures best of all too! They show us how we often are…laughing 🙂 We sure manage to crack ourselves up…we can’t take ourselves too seriously…what’s the fun in that? Well, we sure appreciate your kindness and your continued support means a tremendous amount to us. Blessings to you always, Julie & Jodie
I loved reading more about you both!!!! I remember when I first started coming on IG I was following both of you without realizing you were twins or even sisters for that matter lol. I think it was when you were both in Paris maybe that I realized “”ohhhh they are twins.” Anyhow, you both have given me so much inspiration!!! I love and look forward to both of your posts and stories every day!! And you are both such genuine, careing,kind, bighearted, inspiring ladies who bring joy and happiness to IG and we can never have enough of that!!! I think you are both pretty awesome!! ????????
Melissa, Sweet Melissa,
Your overflowing kindness is appreciated beyond words. As we “put ourselves out there” on a daily basis we open ourselves up to receive love but also criticism and anything else the world decides to throw at us. So your support and your sweet words is so important and means everything. It makes us strong to receive the good (and the bad). Thank you again and God bless, Julie & Jodie
Julie – I noticed your name sign from one of your entry way table and wall displays. My family name is also Lancia. I also love your venegettas (as you call them). Is your entire house always as put together as your photos? I often love to pair and swap out things in our house, but can never get the house more than +/-70% put-together. How do you do it? Enjoy and thank you for the beautiful photos. Susan
Susan, How cool we have the same last name! I guess in Italy it is quite a common last name (or so I am told). Venegettas? You mean “vignettes”? Haha. I’m not sure if that was a typo or you’re talking about something different but it made me giggle at any rate. I like to have my house put together as much as possible…out of order or chaos makes it hard for me to think or feel organized. But I would say I’m usually at about 90%. I’m working on 1-3 areas at any given time. Except at Christmas when about 70% goes into flux all at once!!! I’m gearing up for that right now so my brain is working over time! It’s fun and I’m a bit obsessed 🙂 I have to leave my house in order to relax completely unless I’m sleeping! Thanks for the sweet words and kind follow. With love, Julie
You two are so awesome and inspirational! Great post!
I thought I knew so much about you already after joining your workshop in Utah, which was the highlight of my year! It’s always interesting and fascinating how twins are but especially you two because you do this blog and Instagram together. It’s so nice that you have someone to collaborate with on everything. You both exude joy and enthusiasm for others and what you do, it’s infectious. Thank you for sharing all your tips and your lives with us. Much love and blessings!
How fun to read your story. My sister and I are actually 1 yr and 9 days apart. I’m the oldest so I try and be the BOSS…LOL She is strong willed, so I dn’t always win the battle. But neither of us care. Because we trluy love each other, and everyday I am grateful for a sister like her. We have been thru so many life experiences, and pretty much know each other inside and out. We are trying to update ourselves—BECAUSE we both finally retired from working. And let me tell you are old school traditional decor is so borinmg. SO one day I hope to get up to spreed, but I got age on me that you 2 do not. Like Jodie I do likle to just dive in, but like Julie I want the classy sophisticated farmhouse look. And we didn’t come from a home where our parents really decorated— they both held jobs and so that was taught by example to us I think. Anyway long winded here, and I so enjoy stalking your IG accounts, and While my sister also live a state away from me. (I in Las Vegas and her in SLC) we travel the road alot. I’m convincing myself Jodie to paint my numerous maple kitchen cabinets white… I will do it.. Have a great new year in 2021. God Bless
Oh Peggy,
What a lovely, lovely message to receive. We must apologize. It got missed somehow in our mailbox. We were so delighted to find it today. We really do love hearing from our followers, and we love learning about your lives, decor and more. It means a lot to be able to connect with and more vividly picture our friends out there in the world being inspired by what we share. We hope you continue to have fun decorating and being bold and having fun. Paint those cabinets, Sweet Friend! And let us know how they turn out. Blessings, Julie & Jodie