Table of Contents:
Learn what happens when you treat life as an adventure
Life is an adventure, or at least should be. Don’t you think? Jodie and I feel like we’ve been on one long adventure over the past few years. It all began on Instagram about four years ago. Our next big step came when we began our blog, The Design Twins, in the fall of 2016. Since then we’ve been “braving new waters” at every opportunity. The most recent adventures took us to London to attend the Interior Blog Awards. It was fun, exciting, and slightly surreal. But the most recent adventure happened right in my home when Seattle Television show, Seattle Refined, came to interview Jodie and me and feature my Holiday Home. Come along with us as we share what it was like, for real, and how our journey landed us here.
You might also enjoy reading the Seattle Refined article about us on their website
It’s all about saying “Yes” to Life!
Today Jodie and I feel like every day is part of a GRAND ADVENTURE. We feel like we are masters of our own destiny! People ask us about our paths, how we became decorators, bloggers, paid influencers, and we can trace the steps, but the key has been our attitudes. We got here by saying “Yes,” taking risks, and letting go of fear.
You’ve probably heard it said and written before:
Do something every day that scares you!
It’s absolutely true. If you don’t push yourself beyond your comfort level regularly then you won’t grow, and you won’t achieve your dreams. The only way to achieve what you currently view as unattainable is to venture outside your safe zone, which feels unsafe. Of course it does.
If You Aren’t Scared a Little You Aren’t Living Large Enough
Getting used to feeling unsafe is essential to growth. You might succeed, you might bomb. The outcome is uncertain. But if you don’t try guess what? You definitely won’t succeed. If you try, you might! If you bomb, you have stories to tell when you’re older, reasons to laugh at yourself, and you learn A LOT! Win or lose, this is how you live a life with no regrets. We credit this no-fear attitude with many of the successes along our adventure.
What about you? Think back to the highlights of your life. What are the things that you remember most? What are the events that defined you? The accomplishments you are most proud of? If you think for awhile you might come up with a realization that you are a bit more courageous than you thought!
For Julie and I most of our “highlights” through our life involve performing. We performed our way through childhood as violinists and singers performing in orchestras and musicals all the time. The stage was a happy place for us. We always said that being born twins meant we were really born on stage. Everywhere we went as little girls people stopped to stare and wanted to meet us. Getting up on stage felt like a natural extension of that.
As we both grew to adulthood Julie was the first to take the biggest leap ever: getting MARRIED. Meanwhile, Jodie ran her first marathon, set out on a solo bike trip across Colorado, moved to Morocco (by herself) and then Turkey and Mexico teaching English. Each of these adventures was scary and rewarding just as life should be. No matter what your dreams are, say YES to the adventure and you are sure to be amazed by the rewards that follow.
Commitment is KEY to Embracing Adventure
Commitment is essential. We feel extremely dedicated to our platforms and to our followers. We have created posting schedules on all our platforms that we stick to. In other words, we make these dreams of ours a priority. Yes life happens, but we don’t let it stop our commitments. We have made many sacrifices and continue to because our dreams are important to us.

Our Television Adventure
When Malia from Seattle Refined first reached out we set aside our fears (per usual), and without hesitating said, “Yes!” We didn’t wait for fear or panic to take over. We just jumped. We’ve never been on television, but that didn’t matter. Of course we would love to.
The next matter to solve was the fact that Jodie doesn’t live here. No problem, we’ll book her flight and get her here. Done and Done.
Does Adventure Make us Nervous?
Were we nervous for our television debut? You bet we were. First times have a tendency to do that to you. But we also felt joyful and exhilarated. That’s the feeling of embracing the adventure of life. And guess what, it’s addictive. We can’t imagine going back to our previous “safe” lives. How boring! Now, every day is a new opportunity to face “fears” and confidently stride on past them. These days we really only recognize fears as we glance them in the rear view mirror of life.
Were we perfect? Heck no! We stumbled over our words more than once. But instead of worrying about being perfect, we kept it lighthearted and laughed about the mistakes. Maybe we’ll get another chance to prove our TV worthiness, who knows. But if not we sure enjoyed the experience. Just like the time we tried out for the “Double Mint Gum” commercial when we were 16. If you’re as old as we are you probably remember “The Double Mint Twins.” We didn’t get the job, but we still had fun and have great memories of the entire adventure.
Enjoying the Moment
Even watching the airing of the episode was slightly nerve wracking! But it was also a lot of fun. Our families were proud and excited, and that made us stop and realize that this is a big deal. It’s a great feeling to enjoy moments like this when it feels like all our hard work is recognized and rewarded. It’s a moment to savor and enjoy, but just a moment, because it’s time to get back to work.
What’s Next
Well, quite frankly, we don’t know. And we’re okay with that. Every adventure that feels right we embrace and do our best. We live and learn and have fun along the way. We say no to collaborations that don’t feel quite right. But we never say no because we’re afraid. It’s a great way to live. Our motto is definitely no fear and zero regrets.
Would you like to hear more of our personal stories? We share our personal struggles and triumphs in many of our our blog posts, with a few of our favorites here:
Increasing Spirituality: Journey Toward Christ
The Truth Behind the Pretty Pictures of Instagram
Thanks for coming along on the adventure with us!

I love your attitude and definitely try to live by that as well! I always tell my kids, If you can dream it, you can DO it! So happy and proud of you two!
aka the fairy godfarmer
Yes, Melissa, I love that moto! And I love that as we tackle our fears and reach for our dreams we set an example for your children to follow!
Thanks for your ongoing support and love.
With blessings,
Jodie & Julie
I love this! How exciting to be featured on this show! I’m so proud of you, two! Merry Christmas from my home to yours….
Lisa xoxo
Thank you sweet Lisa! Your kind words and support mean so much.
Happy holidays! With love and blessings,
Jodie & Julie
Congratulations! what a great segment. How fun that you two can do this together. I’ve been in awe of you since the moment I met you.
Bri, You are the absolute sweetest thing ever! When we met you at BYBC last year we were so impressed with you, your energy, your courage and your determination. We feel so lucky to have met and connected this way!
With love and blessings for a happy holiday!
Jodie & Julie
Awesome and congrats to you both!! Perfect for this seasonal and wonderful time of the year!!
Thanks Sherrie! We had fun doing it and we’re glad you tuned in and enjoyed it! xoxo
Blessings for a happy holiday,
Jodie & Julie
It was so exciting to see your Seattle Refined interview! Congratulations! I love your decor styles and I adore you both!❤️ I’m excited to see if you’ll be playing your lovely violins ????????together again at Christmas time!✨????✨❤️✨
Hi Marla,
Aww! Thanks for tuning in to watch our TV debut! We had a blast! Unfortunately our family plans will not bring us together this Christmas. Julie is headed to Hawaii with her family and I am headed skiing in Montana. We are already planning our family reunion for next Christmas! Happy Holidays from both of us! God bless!
xoxo Jodie & Julie