Welcome to the design twins blog
Welcome to our blog! We want to introduce ourselves as The Design Twins. We are Julie and Jodie, twin designers, decorators and DIY enthusiasts.
We’re so excited you’re here. First things first, let’s make some introductions. We are The Design Twins, Julie & Jodie. We are identical twins, happily married wives, proud mothers, and devoted Christians. Together we are decorators, designers and craft-making DIY-ers on a journey to share our unique perspectives on home decorating, personal style and life. The Design Twins blog is a place to inspire others with our simple decor projects and ideas, our passion for Christ, and our everyday joys in motherhood and homemaking.
God’s Calling
One of our biggest “callings” is to share our positive outlook with others. God has blessed us so exceedingly that we revel in the ability to share our “glass half full” attitudes. We have our own struggles, as everyone does, but we believe the difference lies in perspective. How we choose to look at the challenges is the difference between frustration and JOY. Having lived through life’s ups and downs together we enjoy sharing bits of wisdom we have gleaned along the way. While beautiful décor and fun projects can add joy and beauty to our everyday lives, we experience even greater fulfillment by affecting people’s hearts and spirits.
We believe in the power of fellowship, whether you find it among your girlfriends or in an unlikely place like Instagram. Wherever you find support, it is important that we can lean on each other and find strength in community and God. By sharing with you our true spirits, we hope you will be positively affected on a deeper, even spiritual level. Our goal with The Design Twins is to provide strength, inspiration, hope and positivity that you can apply to all aspects of your life.
The Design Twins “Twin Factor”
People often ask us: “What are the differences between you two?” It’s funny because there isn’t a brave twin and a quieter twin. In each arena in life, one of us is more confident, but that person is constantly changing. What one twin struggles with is usually where the other shines. When we work together it is like the yin and the yang. One twin pushes where the other lacks confidence. Together, as The Design Twins, we make a whole stronger than either of us could be on our own.
Julie is more of the word-smith and Jodie is more of the crafter. Julie is incredible with details and Jodie sees the big picture. We each have our moments to take the lead. It’s a constant back and forth where we each propel each other to new levels. We help each other to “go for it” and to try new things. We know what you’re thinking. “Everyone needs a twin!” Don’t have a twin of your own? No worries! Cause The Design Twins are ready and willing to share.
To learn more about what it’s like to be a twin, you can check out this fun article.
Welcome to The Design Twins blog! We look forward to connecting with you and taking this journey together.
With love and gratitude,

Congrats on your launch ladies. This will be a beautiful journey.
Love always
Thank you so much Rhonda! It feels like we are turning a new chapter…and so excited to see where it leads, especially with friends like you by our side! xo Jodie
You were our very first commentor! How perfect! Because you know we love you dearly! We have a lot to learn but we are happy to be on this journey of growth and discovery…together. Blessings to you always our sweet and dear friend, Julie & Jodie
Can’t wait to sign up! I’m getting an error message 404 when I try to get the newsletter though.
Yes!! We’re so sorry Laurie! We hope that this will be fixed in the next 24 hours. Thank you so much for your interest and your patience!! xoxo Jodie
Congratulations ladies! I look forward to following your journey here on your blog! So far, it’s a beautiful blog! Our perfection!
Oh my goodness, Nicole, thank you! Your sweet compliments fill our hearts with loving support. We are indeed blessed by an amazing community of women. We just love sharing with you on Instagram and are thrilled to take our next step here on our blog. Thank you for sharing it with us! Blessings to you, Julie & Jodie
Congratulations my friends!! Good luck on your new adventure!!?
Thank you Angie! We so appreciate your kindness and your support. We couldn’t be more excited about this new adventure…sleep? who needs sleep? Ha Ha! So thrilled to be on this adventure…WITH YOU! Blessings, Julie & Jodie
I first got a website ‘design Twins’ based in Australia! Thankfully I just watched your instastory and got the correct site now. Look forward to seeing your blog posts.
Oh Rachael, so sorry about that! Yes, they are a great team of gals in Australia…they are “Design Twins” and we are “The Design Twins” We are so glad you didn’t give up and found us! It means so much to us to have your support. We hope you will stop in often and always say “Hi”. Blessings, Julie & Jodie
This is the best!!! I read everything and was so involved, I wanted more! Just like an amazing novel!!!! Love the blog and cannot wait to read more posts. Love both of your pages on Instagram.
The Rustic Cottage
Stacie, You have no idea how much that means to us!! We are just elated that you liked it! We’ve been pondering this decision for so long, and working on it all summer, so YAY! We’ve got tons of blog ideas that we just can’t wait to share! Blessings sweet friend, Julie & Jodie
First, congrats on launching your blog.
As I was reading, I was thinking about a dear friend and who like a couple of idiots, decided a year ago that we needed a really cool celebration for our 50th high school reunion. We have been working together (long distance) for 13 months – no reunion company for this venture. And, your description fits us to a tee. She is the big picture, I’m the little details. She gets down on herself and I’m the cheerleader. We have a classmate who is a graphic artist and his contribution for the reunion is to do caricatures throughout the event. Kathy called today and asked if I planned to get a caricature drawn and I told her I had been thinking that we should get ours done together. That was why she called, she wanted to ask me if we could ditch the husbands and do ours together.
Best wishes on your new venture.
Carol, First, thank you for your words of encouragement and for visiting us! It means so much, especially as we are just starting out! And thank you for sharing about you and your friend. As I write and reflect about being a twin it reminds me of a lot of sister relationships or best-friend relationships that develop over the years much in the same way as twins. What nature doesn’t connect, nurture can…and over the years knowing someone and growing with someone can form a bond that is similarly strong! Thanks again for sharing! And enjoy your reunion!!! xoxo Jodie & Julie
Hi Jodie & Julie…YAY, your site is so beautiful!
I wish you much success and happiness as you spread your talents like treasures! I feel so blessed that I have met you in person…you guys are as cute and lovely in person as you are in these gorgeous photos! I hope to see you, again soon. xo Lisa
Lisa! Your words of encouragement and love are everything to us! Meeting you has helped inspire us to dream bigger and believe in ourselves. Thank you for your friendship. We can’t wait to see what this next chapter holds…and catch up with you on another visit soon! xoxo Jodie & Julie
The front door is beautiful….would you please share the manufacturer? we live in the Atlanta area…..thanks
Hi Maxine, Thank you for your kind words! Let me just double check which door you are referring to. The peach colored double doors are Julie’s and the black single door is Jodie’s. I don’t think either of us know off hand but once we know which one we can do a little research for you to see if we can find out! Thanks again for visiting and for your question! xoxo Jodie & Julie
Hi Maxine, This is Julie. My front doors are totally custom. I asked the previous owner this before and that was her reply. I am sorry I don’t have more information than that to provide. Our best wishes on your home remodeling. XO ~ Julie & Jodie
Welcome to the world of blogging!!!! You girls are amazing and I am so thrilled for you to start this amazing journey! Love you both!!! xo
Randi, Your love and support has meant and continues to mean the world to us! Your shining example of heart-led beauty has been a huge inspiration to us and a motivating factor to take this next plunge. We feel so blessed to share this journey with women such as yourself; you are as gorgeous on the inside as you are on the outside! With love and admiration, Julie & Jodie
Hi Julie and Jodie…. I’m finally sitting down to read through your blog. I love it! So well put together….easy to read with lots of inspiration on decor, faith and life! Thanks for sharing your hearts with us. You’re both adorable and I can tell you like to have fun! I’m looking forward to getting to know both of you better through this venue. Blessings, Lisa (@cottagestyle)
Oh Lisa,
It’s so nice of you to come over and visit. When you’re on IG all the time it doesn’t always translate to getting onto a blog (I know)…so thank you for taking the time and effort to do so. I’m so glad that you were able to see the joy we get from doing this. Sometimes I think we get kind of caught up in creating “useful” content that we get a little bit serious. But I think people want both! They want to see useful content where they can learn something useful to apply to their own home decor (or whatever the topic), and they also have that need/desire to connect with the person behind the post! So it’s an interesting balance that we are still learning. Thank you for your comments, your support, and your encouragement. We are so happy to be connected with you and to be on this journey together!
With love and Christmas blessings,
Jodie & Julie
Hello Ladies,
For “March Madness” I thought I would go to your first blog and see where it all began! Although you wish to give away a gift everyday, you seem to have forgotten, that you already do, ten fold! Between your blog, your instagram, your words of wisdom and encouragement, your friendship and respect to all your followers, even your consideration to opening this giveaway to Canada … let alone your beautiful Christianity….. these are just a few things that are all testimonies to the fact that you already give extravagantly!!!
Thank you seems to small a gift to return to you.
With much love and respect,
I don’t even know how to respond to such a beautiful message. I am teary and truly touched by your words. Thank you for coming to our blog, for taking the time to read….and for your beautiful gift of support and fellowship on this journey! You make it all worth while!
God bless you sweet, sweet friend!
Jodie & Julie
I love your positive outlooks and daily inspiration on instagram. There was a something that was drawn to over all my others i follow why i sent you a private message re my question i had with us buying our first home and getting the keys next month. I do believe people cross paths for a reason. I love reading your posts daily and reading a different blog each day. Love your home decorating style. Looking forward to many many more of your posts. Thanks again for the “March Madness” giveaway
I’ve been following you both separately via IG for awhile so I figured I’d utilize March Madness and take the time to start at the beginning of your blog and work my way up to the most recent post. It’s fun to watch your growth through your blog!
I’m a bit late to the party but so glad I found you girls and started following! You’re giving me fresh ideas for my home….many thanks! #March Madness
You both inspire me to change my kitchen counter design and décor everyday!
Love you both
March Madness
I just had to come and read your very first blog post. So glad y’all started a blog to share more about how God is using each of you. That’s so great that you push each other in the areas where one lacks. And together you are encouraging all of us readers. Thank you!!
I loved learning a little more about the girls behind the blog. I admire your dedication and love you put into your faith, family and friends. We are truly blessed to know who you are and what you stand for. I’m so grateful for wisdom and willingness to share. From the bottom of my heart, thank you both.