Table of Contents:
sharing how to Best organize your life for Naturally unorganized people
With so many different organization methods out there, it can be hard deciding on the one for you. There are plenty of different systems and recommended methods to get your home & your life organized. Who’s really to say which way is the best? It all depends on how well the system you choose matches your personality and your lifestyle. If your method requires you to abruptly change your way of life, chances are it’s not going to work. Unless you need a complete overhaul of your life, we recommend finding a system that feels natural.
This is a sponsored post. All opinions are authentically our own.
Choose a system that motivates you and that you can realistically stick with. The results of an organized life are time and freedom to achieve your dreams and goals. If you choose a system that requires drastic changes, you will most likely abandon it after too long. Or you might be like me and never even get started.
A couple years ago I read the book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying: A Simple, Effective Way to Banish Clutter Forever by Marie Kondo. I loved it and was so excited. I couldn’t wait to carve out time to begin. However, so much time went by as I waited for a big break in my life so I could start. The problem was it required so much time and commitment I never had enough. It was just too overwhelming. So even with my initial excitement it wasn’t enough.
From that experience I realized it didn’t matter if the system yielded life-changing results for some. For me, it was not the right fit for my life. I needed a system that I could begin and work bit by bit over time. My free time came in small bits, not weeks at a time. Plus, I didn’t really want a complete overhaul. I just wanted to clean out a few closets and drawers.
Here Are My Recommendations to Get Your Life Organized
- Ask yourself which aspects of your life you need/want to get organized.
- Determine your priorities.
- Choose your system or systems.
- Commit.
Let’s delve more deeply into each step:
Step #1: How Do I Need to Organize?
Ask yourself:
- Do I need to organize my time better?
- Am I missing appointments?
- Is my calendar incomplete or confusing?
- Do I lose things?
- Can I find everything I own?
- Does everything have a place?
- Do I have enough storage for everything I own?
- Are items conveniently located when I need them?
- Is my home tidy and aesthetically organized?
Step #2: Determine Your Priorities
By answering the above questions, you will get a clearer picture of what areas of your life need organizing. Even before you answer these questions, you probably know the areas in which you need work. Choose your priorities.
My top two priorities are:
- Time: I need to organize my time better, so I get more accomplished.
- My House: I’m super tidy, but just below the surface (in the drawers, closets, etc.) is a lot of disorganization! I need to get these places organized.
Step #3: Choose Your Organizing System or Systems
The systems you choose will depend on what you want to achieve, your priorities, as well as your personality and lifestyle. Some of you might want to explore the variety of organizational Apps available. If you live your life on your phone and love technology, this is a good route.
Call me old-fashioned. Even though I spend a lot of my time on my phone it may be why I like to leave my phone. I like the old-fashioned method of organizing, like making lists on pen and paper.
My Choice:
I recommend my favorite new planner, The Heart of The Farm Planner. It’s great for so many reasons. For one, since I am aesthetically oriented, I love the beauty of the book, the way it feels and looks. It’s full of inspiration, both in the photography and the quotes.
It helps me stay organized in an enjoyable way. If you can have the added bonus of enjoying the process well heck, you’re just bound to do it more, right? Right!
Here are all the things it offers:
- Dreams & Goals Pages
- Weekly Planner & Monthly Planner
- Monthly Top Priorities Checklists
- Master Task List
- Inventory Pages
- Weekly Menu Plan and Meal Planner
I’m going to use my Heart of the Farm Planner to organize my time and set my personal and professional goals. I’m going to record my short-term and long-term goals in the planner.
Step #4: Commit
To illustrate commitment to organization I’ll use my husband, Fred, as an example. Since I first met him 28 years ago, he impressed me with his reliability. How was he so reliable? I soon realized he had systems. These systems were like clockwork, and they never let him down because he performed them religiously.
For example, when he got into his car, he went through a check process. He wouldn’t start moving before he was sure all his items were in the car. Then he’d ask me if I had my belongings, like my purse, coat, phone, etc. I started calling him “Mr. Check, Check, Double Check.” For as long as I’ve known him, he’s never lost anything. Can you imagine being able to say that? 28 years and nothing lost.
He is the most organized person I know. He is an information gatherer and keeper. When he receives a person’s phone number, he enters it immediately into his phone. Names, addresses, phone numbers and any other information for anyone he has ever met reside in his phone. I’m not joking. Passwords, codes, emails, ID #’s, account #’s, usernames, you name it, he has it. I’m always amazed, and yet I’m not.
I watch him in action. He takes time right at each given moment to pause and implements his systems. His commitment is undeniable.
For more tips on how to organize your life, read this helpful HGTV article.
How To Organize Your Life: Conclusion
When life gets hectic sometimes efforts to stay organized dissolve because we feel like we don’t have enough time. The irony is that taking the time to set up systems and sticking to them ends up saving time in the long run. It takes some discipline at first. But being organized can become a habit, and then it’s as natural as brushing your teeth.
- Firstly, create your systems.
- Next, be faithful and diligent with them.
- Eventually, you create habits.
- As a result, you reap the rewards.
It’s really that simple. Remember to tailor your organizational choices to your unique personality and lifestyle. With the right systems, diligence and commitment, your life will be organized so you are able to achieve your dreams.
Learn how to accomplish your New Year’s resolutions with our must-have tips to create your best life.
(This is a sponsored post. But all the words and opinions are authentically our own.)

Loved the concept of ispiration and system.
It truly worked for me, Thank you 🙂
Dear Ashley, We are so very glad to hear that you enjoyed this post. We know that taking the time to properly select and then implement an organizational system or systems in your life can have great affect. Both Jodie and I wish you many blessings as we begin 2017. We hope you will turn to us for all kinds of inspiration and fun in the New Year. With gratitude, Julie & Jodie
I can’t seem to find how to buy this Planner.
Hi Kathy, Thank you so much for visiting our blog. As you read through the post toward the second half you come to a section called “My Choice” and there are two spots where you see HEART OF THE FARM PLANNER in bold and all you do is click on that to be taken directly to Cory’s Heart of the Farm Planner website. She is currently sold out of the buffalo check front cover but has in stock the minty stripe. The content of both is identical. We hope you enjoy the planner and we hope you will come back often to visit Jodie and me on our blog. Blessings for a great 2017! Fondly, Julie & Jodie
I saw the two of you at BYBC though I didn’t get a chance to meet you. You are so darling and seemed to be having so much fun! This is a cute planner, but I struggle to stick wit paper based planners. I’m a little like your husband, but not quite so dedicated – his track record is impressive. I’m more Mrs. Check without the double-check, but I guess that’s a good start.
Dear Adrian, Oh my goodness, Adrian, what a sweetheart you are! Wish you had come up to us or our paths had crossed so we could have met and chatted. We were having a ball…we tend to do that 🙂 We just love people!! You are too cute, Mrs. Check! hee hee! I’ll have to run over and check out your blog. Wishing you all the best in your pursuits. With gratitude, Julie & Jodie
Hi there,
What a dynamic duo! Breathing in the glory of your blog. Divine.
The planner is gorgeous and would make such a wonderful gift to self and others!
Thank you so much for sharing.
Haha! Julie, you are so cute! I love that: “Dynamic Duo”! What a great compliment! We are finding such joy in sharing our lives through blogging together. It was the “brain child” of Jodie over 2 years ago that we become bloggers so it could bring us together. Now our dream is a reality and it is doing just what we hoped and more. We are so very grateful for your support. We truly hope we can continue to inspire you and interact as we travel this journey together. With love & gratitude, Julie & Jodie
Love your blog!
Sandy! We are so happy to hear that! Truly…it means so much to us to know that you like what we are sharing. We hope you will come back as often as you can to visit, get ideas, be inspired, and connect with us. With love & gratitude, Julie & Jodie
Enjoyed the article. Now I can work on being organized!
Yes!! You can never be too organized!
We’re so glad you’re here. Good luck!
With love and gratitude,
Jodie & Julie
I love having a planner! Have never got use to using my phone. march Madness
I’ve been eyeing up this planner for some time, wondering if it’s worth making the jump. I do like the good ole fashion way of pen and paper. With young kids and lots of daily activities between my husband and I, we found sharing a google calendar we can both edit has been a life saver. A little piece of me still wants to go for this though. 😉 March Madness.
Jodie and Julie-
I truly enjoy reading your blog daily and look forward to your insta feeds. Your work is inspiring to me. I share a lot of similarity in my life as far as a stay at home mom, only working part time around my three boys school schedule, college graduate and also share a love for decor and photography which i always have. I put a lot of heart into my pictures and my home decor and love to share my feed while building new friendships with people like me through the ig community. You both inspire me to be better! I would love some tips on my feed from #thedesigntwins
Your ig friend,
Terra M
Terra, Welcome to our blog. We love to hear how many similarities we have. We are so excited for you to join us here. We wish you luck in our giveaway too. But we hope you will continue to enjoy our inspiration on the blog long after the giveaway is past. With friendship & gratitude, Julie & Jodie
These are some great tips for organizing. I like that they can be tailored to fit any lifestyle.
March Maddness day 14
Thanks, Patti
Thank you for this! I find that I am much happier when I am organized. It helps my mood.???????? march madness
This is so good, and it makes me want to go organize.???? March madness
Great way to organize your life. I love my organizer. March madness
I’m in the middle of spring cleaning, so organizing is a big thing. Thank you both ????????❤
I love that planner!! Also wondering how you two manage to balance everything? Your Instagram page, blog, jobs, family, exercise etc. Y’all do it all! I am old fashioned too and like to keep info in my planner and not my phone.