Table of Contents:
Everything You need to know about the new instagram Algorithm and how to succeed
We help you be prepared for artificial intelligence and the newest algorithm changes on IG. Learn what you need to know to succeed on the New Instagram.Welcome to our blog, The Design Twins. We’re so glad you’ve joined us for more Instagram insights. Information is flying so fast that it’s hard to keep up. There is a “New Instagram” to contend with every month, or so it seems. Actually, it’s not far from the truth. The only constant is change. If you feel like you are on a roller coaster ride you are not alone. There are some constants and they are truer than ever.
For years, IG has been telling us to focus on creating unique & interesting content. This is the overriding truth. But stay tuned. No matter what Instagram has in store we’ve got your updated information for how to succeed here on The Design Twins. Click on the link below for the latest news on how to grow organically on Instagram. Sign up for our email and receive bonus materials as a VIP subscriber. It’s all free and we will never spam you or share your information.
Instagram has struggled with hashtag abuse. There are rumors that they are working to possibly elminate hashtags all together in the future. We shall see. In the meantime, they are still powerful and useful. We recommend using hashtags until the day comes (if the day comes) when Instagram takes them down.
Instagram is taking back its platform. This is nothing new. Ever since the algorithm changes began showing up back in 2016 we’ve know that Instagram was taking back control. And it seems as soon as we forget that IG is in charge they shake things up again if only to remind us.
How will they do this? With a new system of artificial intelligence based on photo recognition. This technology is already in use on Facebook and is currently being tested on a select number on IG. This is what was misdiagnosed as a “shadowban”.
Get Ready for the Future Now
It has been said that those who are the chosen “test” accounts who formerly thought they were shadowbanned are actually the lucky ones. Even though they showed a decline in engagement they have a leg up on the rest of us. Our best advice is to start practicing now so you will be ready for the new Instagram when it happens.
The new Instagram will rely on computerized photo recognition. It will work by recognizing elements in your photos. Therefore, it becomes imperative that your photos show your content clearly. If your content isn’t easily discernible by IG technology it will not be sorted and shown.
Additionally, it will become very important to match your words (key words) in your caption/text. For example, a picture of you and your family on a beach…what will be recognized is sky, beach, water, towel, people, family. Your caption should have these words as well for best results.
You can see how this is going to be an adjustment so the sooner you start thinking in this new way the better adapted you will be and the more success you will see.
Play by IG Rules or Else
Instagram is continuing to increase their technology to control their platform. Did you know they can tell if you’ve taken a photo from a Canon Rebel or an iPhone 7? Their technology understands what you are doing and how you are doing it. If you break their rules they may suspend you. Or they may just not show your photo. They can easily put your post wherever they want it. You can very easily go to the bottom of everyone’s feed. They have total control over who they show your photo to, if anyone at all.
It remains true that Instagram filters out accounts that aren’t complying with their terms. Instagram is cracking down across the board. They are dedicated to stopping all forms of artificial growth and inappropriate use. Several years ago when the take down of a large IG automation company made news, we saw Instagram really putting their plans into action. For those of us who base our accounts on pure authenticity and high-quality content this is actually good news.
A Few Pointed Reminders of What IG Does NOT Want
- Do not follow/unfollow
- Do not use bots and automated services of any kind
- Don’t use irrelevant hashtags
How To Avoid Being Suspended on the New Instagram
To avoid ever being suspended by Instagram refrain from any and all activity that could possibly be interpreted as spammy. Knowing that Instagram means serious business should be enough to keep us all on the straight and narrow. When in doubt err on the side of caution, which in Instagram’s language, err on the side of authenticity.
Abide by the above practices and you will help ensure your success. Protect your account by familiarizing yourself with the “community guidelines” so you aren’t caught in the trap of being penalized by IG. We also suggest you further educate yourself by reading the “platform policy” on Instagram.
There are so many factors involved and Instagram leaves a lot unsaid. Knowing that Instagram is continually increasing its strictness our best advice is comply now before things get worse. Follow this advice, stick to the rules, and your future on IG will be brighter regardless of the past.
What Else Might Cause Your Engagement/Visibility to Suffer?
- Did you know that IG has hourly and daily limits to activity? It may sound surprising, but when you think about it, it makes sense. In an effort to catch bots and artificial growth activity Instagram has placed limits. Depending on the age of your account, your limits may be slightly different but in most cases you shouldn’t exceed 150 likes, 60 comments or 60 follows/unfollows per hour. If you do, you will receive a stop message on your device. It is not clear what this does to your account but should be avoided as a precaution.
- Avoid any “growth hacks” and adhere to all community guidelines. This is not the time to be taking advantage of loopholes or breaking rules. For example, there is a “growth hack” going around that suggests adding 30 hashtags to a comment, then editing your caption and adding an additional 30 there. This leaves you with 60 tags when normally you’re only allowed to use 30. Yes, this does appear to work (however the reported uptick in engagement isn’t that much) but really, this is not the time to be doing anything “tricky.”
What Does Instagram Want?
Instagram makes it abundantly clear.
- Create a strong, unique visual brand.
- Be a storyteller.
- Quality over quantity.
- Alignment between photo content & text.
- Clear & discernible visual content (recognizable by computer artificial intelligence)
Instagram wants you to focus on targeting the right audience, not just any audience. Instagram wants consistent, clear visual content. This is done not by using hashtags or gaming with artificial “growth strategies,” but by creating clear, high quality content and proactively engaging with your audience in authentic ways.
The New Instagram
By now we know one thing for sure: It is a waste of time to complain about changes on Instagram. The one constant on this platform is change. So we either roll with things, adapt, and play by their rules or suffer the consequences. As in life, those who acclimate quickly will prosper. The environment of constant evolution on Instagram is a parallel for life, especially life in this increasingly fast-evolving 21st century.
To stay on the cutting edge means you need to keep updated and informed. The last thing you want to do is waste time lamenting about “the good old days.” Embrace today and reap all the rewards. Remember, this is Instagram’s Game. If we want to play their game we either play by their rules or lose. It’s as simple as that.
- Stay updated with all the latest and make sure you to subscribe to our blog. We will keep you informed of all the latest to make the most of your IG Journey.
For more tips on how to succeed at the new Instagram algorithm, read Later Media’s article titled, “5 Things to Know About the Instagram Algorithm.”
- Make sure to read all our other blog posts that are designed to help you with every aspect of IG no matter who you are, no matter your goals or your stage of development.
- Want more personalized help? Sign up for our one-hour Instagram Analysis with Jodie and me. We will analyze your account including current and past activity and help direct you toward a successful future.
Cheers to your success!
With love & gratitude,

Wow, I am so amazed how much information you put into this blog about Instagram. I had no idea that there was that much going on. I guess that is where I fall through the cracks. I use instagam to see all the wonderful decorating posts, the uplifting sights that have wonderful daily positive comments, my grandchildren and also to see what is going on these days in the computer world. I appreciate all the information, it is all really good information and so much knowledge. You two are amazing !
Donna, You really are the sweetest. Well, if you don’t need/want your feed to grow you really don’t need to worry too much about all these things haha! Jodie and I enjoy the puzzle and the intrinsic rewards of Instagram success. We enjoy the process in every aspect, but the harder it is the more intriguing it becomes! We appreciate your kindness, your friendship, and all your gorgeous support! With love, Julie & Jodie
Thank you for the heads up! I can’t keep up with all these constant changes!
Haha Pollie, I know, most people can’t keep up! That’s why we are here to help. When we take the time to research and learn about IG it only makes sense to share it and help as many people as we can. It brings out the teachers in us 🙂 Wishing you great things, Pollie! XO ~ Julie & Jodie
Thank you ladies for the info… very much appreciated ! Jill @gatheredgrace
Jill, You are so very welcome! We are happy you found the info helpful! Instagram is a challenge even without the changes, but we are determined to stay abreast of things and to in turn share everything we learn with you all here. Wishing you all good things, XO ~ Julie & Jodie
As always, sweet girls, amazing post!!!! So much information I will have to read it over a few times! Thank you soooooooo much for talking your time to write this!! Xoxo xoxo!!
Nancy, What a sweet reply. It means so much to us that we can help! So to hear that you are benefiting means a lot to us! Wishing you great success, your friends, Julie & Jodie
Thank you so much ladies! Your blogs are always so informative for me. I really do learn a lot from both of you. Thanks Again!!:)
Mary, What a kind reply. We are thrilled you made it to the blog and even happier that this information was helpful. You can rely on us to continue the task of keeping you informed and updated as this journey continues. One thing we know, IG will never be a stagnant stage. It will continue to evolve so our only real hope of succeeding is to stay in the know and be very adaptable. Blessings to you, Julie & Jodie
Thank you ladies for the great information! I was wondering if you had any thoughts on us Home decor accounts still using inspirational photos of other accounts?? Is this ok as long as we tag?
Nikki, So glad you found our blog and the post helpful. In all our reading and researching we have never heard that Instagram is against this in any way. Therefore, we assume it is ok. We will definitely report it here if we find out to the contrary. Wishing you success and joy along your path, Julie & Jodie
I’ve been reading your blog for a while now and haven’t stopped to comment – and it’s time. 🙂 Thank you both for your encouragement, your wisdom and your help.! My IG account isn’t large but I treasure the friendships I’ve made and I often pray that I will be an encourager to others. That was the real reason I started it several years back when I was in a season that didn’t allow me to be a face-to-face encourager as often as I had been in the past.
Sweet Julie – we’ve followed each other pretty much from the beginning and what a testimony you have as you share your faith in such a humble, non-threatening way to others who may not be comfortable in their belief.
May the Lord bless you both abundantly!
Suzanne (The Grace-Filled Cottage)
Ah Suzanne! How wonderful to hear from you here! And what a compliment to hear you describe what you see me doing…it is exactly what I pray to do. Those who already are in relationship with Christ don’t need me…I want to help those who don’t know Christ…but how do I do so without making them feel out of place, without them resenting my Biblical words…I want to affect those in need of our Lord without turning them away…as you say, I try in a “non-threatening way”…I pray each time that God gives me the right words…I also listen to His voice as to when, how often, and of course, what to say. Your message blesses me and encourages me so very much today, Suzanne. You are God working through people…it’s a glory to behold and a blessing to receive. Wishing you His mighty & endless blessings, Julie
Oh thank you beautiful ladies for this incredible post! I seem to fumble around with the Instagram changes. It all gets so confusing and frustrating. Thanks for helping clear things up a bit! Xoxo Nicki
Nicki, So glad you found this post helpful! We are happy to share what we learn and help make it easier to manage. Not everyone wants to or has the time to do the research. Jodie and I are passionate about understanding this crazy thing called Instagram and even more passionate about helping others succeed. Wishing you all the best and joy along your path, Julie & Jodie
Jodie and Julie,
Thank you for the information. You are always so good about sharing with your followers. So does this mean no more hashtag contests? For example, no more #moveitupmonday or #bloomingdecormondays???
Instagram will sure be different if that’s the case. ????
Nicole, Thank you sweetie for reading and for your kind reply. In answer to your question, yes, it will be a very different Instagram for sure. The hashtags will be discontinued. They are proving to be a thorn in IG’s side and they want to be done with them. Think about it, without the hashtags what do you have to attract people except content, right? And this is what they want. So we don’t know when it will happen but it is on its way. All the best, Julie & Jodie
Hi Julie and Jodie,
Thank you for the insight on new IG changes. I don’t know how you two learn so much :), but I appreciate you passing it on.
Hi Marie,
Well, we research the topics, compare notes, apply our own experience into the mix and voila! It just takes time, but we are happy to help everyone stay on top of this crazy thing called Instagram! Blessings to you dear one, Julie & Jodie
what do you mean by ” Do not follow/unfollow” ? Once I follow someone I should never unfollow?
Thanks for the good question, and sorry to not be specific enough. There is a “growth hack” that many people employ and that is to follow a lot of people only to see if they will follow you back, and after a certain period of time, like 1-2 days (not really sure) they unfollow. We are talking about an ongoing mass technique for the sole purpose of growth. IG has caught on to this and like anything else that is employing fake growth techniques they are cracking down. You can definitely follow someone and unfollow them when we’re talking about just a few. Hope that answers your question.
Great info as always! Thanks so much!
Thank you for reading Lucy, So glad you found it helpful. Blessings, Julie & Jodie
Thank you so much this is a wealth of information and I had no idea. I do notice I have people then I don’t have people on IG and some I have no idea how I got in the first place but being visual it certainly can take up time and be a bit addicting. I saw you both on a live IG post a while back and I just love how great you two are together. Very talented and I guess being twins you would automatically get along. Being an only child I am just guessing at that. I have a few things I am dying to try and just recently got a great little purple Janome machine off Amazon Prime. One speed and no bells or any whistles so it is perfect 🙂
Darlene, We are so glad you found our blog. Thank you for taking the time to leave us a kind and supportive comment. We love, love, love hearing from our readers. Blogging can feel like a lone adventure without it! We sure hope you continue to tune in and enjoy all we have to share. With gratitude, Julie & Jodie
Loved this blog post as it relates to me moving forward. My goal is not to become a blogger and make $$$ but I want to share my decor style and get feedback as well.
Thank you both again for all you do for the IG Community.
Aw you are too sweet friend! You can do anything you set your mind to. We believe in you! We are so glad you found this post helpful and you are so so welcome.
Lots of love,
Jodie & Julie
J&J Hi sweet friends!
Again, thank you for such an informative post! I learned so much!! I love and appreciate how generous you both are.
Taking your Instagram Masterclass and devouring as much as possible as an IG newbie . . . really appreciate noting having clear identifiable pictures that will match tags and my captions. Great headstart to prevent having to make corrections later.. Thanks for my future!
Thank you so much for the kind comment sweetie! We are so glad to hear that! So happy this post was helpful for you.
Lots of love,
Jodie & Julie
Such an informative post!! Thanks, ladies, for sharing!! I learn so much from both of you. 🥰
Thank you so much for the kind reply. We are so glad you’re learning from our blog posts. We hope you continue to learn and enjoy. Be sure to follow our teaching account on Instagram (if you aren’t already). It’s @thedesigntwinsteach Good luck on your IG journey, Julie & Jodie