Table of Contents:
What to Do when god calls
God calls us each at different times in our lives. Will we hear him when he does? Will we listen? Our purpose on this earth depends on our reply.
Listening When God Calls
When Samantha of Josephine’s Redeemed Revival Antique Market contacted Julie to ask her about attending her antique market as sponsored guests Julie was a little confused. Why would Sam want us to come? What would we do at an antique fair? We didn’t have products to sell. We weren’t antique collectors or vendors, and we hadn’t written any books (like last year’s featured guest). What would we do? Sam answered, “Just meet the people!’
Sam explained what her antique market was about. She explained that it wasn’t your typical kind of market. We soon understood that Sam chose to connect with Julie because of her powerful Christian message. This fair was as much about being inspired by God as it was about vintage finds.
When Julie first spoke to me about it, she was still a little unsure. She explained we would be writing an article in the publication about who we were and maybe share some of our seasonal decor tips for fall but our main purpose would be to meet and greet folks. Amidst the uncertainty we both somehow knew that we needed to say yes. It was going to be exciting to get out from behind our computer screens and meet people. Finally, here was an opportunity to really connect.
Touching Moments Spent with Strangers
Flash forward a couple of months. We wrote our best decor advice and shared our best decor photos. It was exciting for us to see our work in print. We staged our booth and were ready to go. But, while most people were busy selling their wares Julie and I were busy sharing our hearts, our love, our passion for Christ, and oh, yeah, a little about home decor.
We gave out hugs; gave twin advice to young twin-moms and expectant twin moms; shared twin stories with other twins; gave congratulations to a young couples who were first time home buyers and just starting out; and chatted with folks of all ages who just stopped to ask what we were doing.
When God Calls: Some of The Interactions Were Raw
One woman spoke through an interpreter (her English was only broken). She shared her story of persecution and perseverance as a Christian in Afghanistan. Abandoned by her husband she was sent to jail for her beliefs. By the grace of God and the help of American Missionary efforts she had escaped with her children. She was now learning English and rebuilding her life. She was incredibly happy to be standing there talking openly and praising God through tears of relief and joy. We were all crying. We will never forget meeting her and her amazing story.
Another young couple told us through tears of joy how they had just found out, after years of infertility, that they were pregnant with twins. When they met us, they couldn’t hold back their desire to share the good news with us even though they hadn’t yet told their families. The husband’s tears said it all. We ran into our young former church Pastor and his wife who had relocated to this town and “just happened” to stop by the event. So many conversations, so many interactions seemed incredible and important and meant to be. We were there for a reason. We were there to meet these people and thy us.
Upon Reflecting: When God Calls
Finally, on the flight home I had a chance to reflect on the event. Sitting in my seat, I was overwhelmed. God had called us there, that much was apparent. The encounters were so powerful and spiritual that it was almost too much to believe. Everyone else seemed to have a purpose at the fair, and it looked like we didn’t have any at all. We had a booth with nothing to sell. But in fact, our purpose was great and awesome and almost indescribable.
These moments shared with strangers we will never forget. It’s hard even now to put into words the feelings we felt conversation after conversation. These people began as strangers but walked away as friends. In the end it was exhausting, exhilarating, motivating and rejuvenating. Their stories touched our hearts. My eyes were sore from crying and Julie’s voice was hoarse from talking.
Julie’s Walk Toward Christ
Julie shares her and her family’s faith story, and it is a powerful one. Be sure to read it. It will leave you so inspired!
Watch Her Video Testimony
When God Calls
Some invitations you accept for money, some for the exposure. Paid or not, we hoped to benefit in some way from the experience. Julie and I gave three days of our lives to the event. We were physically and emotionally drained, but we were also spiritually moved, inspired, and changed by the experience. God set before us a task and we answered Him.
It’s impossible to say who benefited more from our heart-felt meetings with these many strangers. We had opened up our hearts; we had listened, shared, cried, bonded, hugged, laughed, and rejoiced. Julie and I carried a small piece of their stories with us to hold and treasure. These were gifts, and they were priceless.
And as we said good-bye to Sam, her family, and the rest of her team we explained that the weekend was something we would never forget. Our biggest takeaway? When God calls, all you need to do is listen.
Be Sure to Read:
Read another story of God powerfully working in our lives in our post, “Blind Faith in God Leads to Miracles Every Time.”
A personal note from The Design Twins
Even though some articles are written from one of our perspectives, we want you to know that each and every piece is a joint effort. If Jodie writes it, Julie edits and puts her 10 cents worth. If Julie writes it the same is true. Our blog is a 100% teamwork. We just wanted you all to know that, because it’s such an important part of who we are and what we are about.
This article was not sponsored or requested. We just wanted to share.
Also, we welcome every response and comment. It absolutely makes our day to hear from each of you. You can expect a personal, heart-felt reply any time you do.
With blessings & sincere gratitude,

It’s such a blessing to hear how God used both of you when you yielded your hearts to Him . You obeyed and He revealed himself to you. His love is always felt when I read what you write. Can I just say thank you for blessing me? Thank you!? Patsy.
Aw Patsy, YOU bless US! Your kindness and support is felt every single time you reply to our Instagram posts. Your sincere heart shines through all your words! Thank you, dear one, for your love. We feel it, we appreciate it. You are why we are here! Such a blessing for us to have these platforms to connect with true hearts. In love and gratitude, Julie & Jodie
Your faith shows through in the light that radiates from you both. Such beautiful instagram feeds and blog post. So glad I found you on instagram. Love your decorating styles but most of all you inspire me to be a better person. I would love to be as positive as you are. I try but fall short daily. Thanks for the great read!
Sue, Your words do us great honor. We are ALL works in progress. We all fall short. Let the loving forgiveness of Jesus wash over you. We were not made to be perfect, Only God is perfect. So be gentle to yourself. Surround yourself with positivity and light and soon you will be a reflection of that. We are so grateful for your support. We hope you will visit us often. With love, Julie & Jodie
That is really cool! I love story’s like this.
Sarah, We are so glad you enjoyed our blog today. You also might like my story “Increasing Spirituality: My Journey Toward Christ”. I still can’t even believe it’s my story, but it happened, and it’s real. And it’s why I am Christ-led today. I am so thrilled that you have joined us on our blog and look forward to sharing our journeys. XO ~ Julie
A beautiful account of obedience and blessing that you AND others received because of that obedience ♡
God bless ♡♡
Shauna, How perfectly surmised. We do feel very called to share God’s love and faithfulness. Every thing we are, every blessing we receive is by His grace. To not give Him the glory would be an untruth. And He certainly is blessing our journey in this life. We are thrilled to be able to share His light and love wherever we can. Blessings to you as well, Julie & Jodie
Your message sure hit home! Thank you for sharing your experience!
I hope to hear and obey that Voice when He speaks. It’s amazing how God works in our lives when we just let go and listen. I can see God’s light emininating through you both, and it’s quite refreshing, all while enjoying your decor ideas and inspiration. God bless you both!
Cici, Oh my goodness, what a blessing your message was to receive! Thank you so much for reading and replying with such heartfelt kindness. It was like receiving a hug from you! What you said is exactly what we hoped people would receive, so you basically made our day. It is our greatest prayer that people will feel God’s love and light coming through our hearts as we share. We hope you will come back often and read the other posts we’ve written. One in particular that I think you would enjoy, if you haven’t read it already, is called “Increasing Spirituality: Journey Toward Christ”. Thank you again, Cici and God Bless, Julie & Jodie
Such a beautiful article. God is amazing in the way He calls us. The blessing is never one sided. The people you interested with were blessed by your beautiful spirits and the sweetness that exudes from you. I don’t have a twin but I have a sister and there is nothing is more special then when God uses you as a team. Thank you for sharing!
And I would also like to say Jodie I was deeply moved by your story. So heartfelt! I relate on many levels. Thank you for sharing your heart.
Thank you beautiful ladies for sharing your blog with us. I absolutely love it!
Blessing to you!
Ami, He is indeed. That is a wonderful point. It is a blessing for ourselves when we can be a blessing to others. It really is incredibly true. Thank you so much for your beautiful reply. I’ve read it several times, just letting your kind spirit wash over me. It is what we hope this blog will be…a blessing to all who come, a place where you can feel happy, inspired, unburdened, and welcomed in true friendship. We hope you will come back often and bless us again. With love, Julie & Jodie
Oops my autocorrect really messed that response up. Sorry. ?
Oh Ami, no worries at all…didn’t even notice. God Bless, Julie
Loved reading this, its neat to hear how God is using you two.
Oh this is SO good! It’s amazing how when you didn’t have an agenda, God did! He knew you two would be the perfect women to bring to that conference!! With nothing to “sell” but instead share the beauty and depth of your hearts. I just love it! Thank you for sharing this experience and the magnificence of what can happen when we simply reply “Yes,” even when it doesn’t make sense. Woooooo this post gets me excited, God is so good!!!
Oh Makenna, We feel your spirit through your words and it makes us rejoice! Often what God puts before us doesn’t necessarily make sense to us. That’s where faith and trust come into play. We can’t possibly know the outcomes of our choices before we make them. If that uncertainty stops us from moving forward what a loss it would be. We are given only one life, so we must not be afraid to embrace what it offers. We are so grateful to be connected to you, Sweet Friend. You bless us so much with your light. With love and gratitude, Julie & Jodie
Good Morning ladies,
I just had to write a few lines to say I believe God is definitely trying to call me. Ever since Jodie mentioned this story on Instagram I have been wanting to read it on your blog. Today was the day but just before reading your blog post I must tell you about my morning devotion I read in Jesus Calling. It read: ‘Do not fear change, for I am making you a new creation, with old things passing away and new things on the horizon. It is easy to make an idol of routine .. Don’t try to force fit today into yesterday’s mold. Instead, ask Me to open your eyes so you can find all I have prepared for you in this precious day of Life’. I believe that’s exactly what you both did that day when you decided to attend the antique market. You stepped out of your routine and tried something new God had in store for you and what a new awakening it was. Having read my devotion and your post this morning has sent me a very strong message (I like to call these strong messages divine intervention) that I need to keep my eyes open for what the good Lord has in store for me and then be grave enough to step outside my routine. Thank you both for sharing this God filled message I have truly enjoyed reading it
Sheila, Thank you, Sweet Friend, for your amazing and uplifting reply (probably our most uplifting we’ve ever received, or certainly among them. God is hard at work in your life and in ours and what a blessing to behold! As you may or may not know we are having a beautiful family reunion this weekend in Las Vegas, the six “children” who are now grown adults with our parents, so there are 8 of us. So blessed to be together, all healthy and rejoicing that God’s purpose and influence is gaining momentum in our lives! God bless you. When you are on God’s road you are on the right road. I am so excited for what He has in store for you. You have in turn inspired Jodie and me. And by the way, every one of us is reading Jesus Calling, such a great way to start your day! With love, Julie & Jodie
Entering in the giveaway. Service I’d choose…. well, I’d like to figure out my missing link in Instagram! 🙂 Loves to you both.
Hey Cutie!! Love having you over here on our blog…it’s the next best thing to having you over for coffee…until we can do that, this will havve to do in its stead 🙂 Good luck on winning doll! Hope you enjoyed reading a bit of the blog…and of course we hope you will come back often and visit us! With so much love and appreciation, Julie & Jodie
I agree whole-heartedly with your take away of this amazing call. I’ve always believed that when God calls, you drop everything and answer the phone! I also believe that He places people in our lives that you initially think “need” you and in the end, you actually ended up “needing” them. Funny how that works out sometimes. I just appreciate you two so much for your devotion and encouragement of IG’ers big and small. The support you give individuals in this community to succeed is so heart-warming. While I would LOVE your expertise in a design consultation of my home, I think my best chance of being a successful Instagramer would be to receive an IG strategy consultation. Regardless, I’m so thankful for words of wisdom here on the blog!!
Aw Christi,
You are amazing! What a gift to receive your beautiful reply. It was full of beauty and wisdom and made me just stop for a moment and remember God in my day. He is right here, right beside me, guiding me, sometimes I am aware, sometimes I am not. But I absolutely know He is guiding Jodie and me in all our choices, even in our words. Life is a gift, every day, but when God is your guiding hand it really is the greatest blessing. We can BE the blessing, which is an incredible honor. Thank you for following, for encouraging us, for reminding us. It really came as a gift today. When we touch others’ lives we have no idea the ripple affect…Many blessings to you, dear one, and we hope you will continue to visit us and share with us too. In Christ, Julie & Jodie
I’m teary reading this! The Lord is using you girls in so many ways, and you’re touching countless hearts, including mine! ❤️I feel I know you a little better each day. We’re sisters in Christ, and wish we were in life! I have to tell you, my home is a complete mess right now, so very far from photo-worthy, because I CAN’T STOP READING YOUR POSTS AND DROOLING OVER YOUR PIX! Now, I stop and ask myself, “WWJJD?”? (What would Jodie and Julie do??) I’m so thankful to have you in my life…may God continue to bless your journeys abundantly! Much love, Jan English, HomeGirls Design. ??
For real??? Jan, you are too good to be true!!! BEST REPLY EVER! Humor, love, spirituality, can you just move in next door? problem no. 1, which one of us would get you? Can you afford two houses?? one next to Jodie and one next to me?? Seriously, you are just a love and there are no accidents ever. Our sweet Lord connected us to grow our faith, our commitment, and our joy. This is obvious. Who knows where God’s purposes may lead us but so happy they led us to this moment. We are not standing next to each other, we cannot embrace each other, but our souls are united as one and our hearts linked in a shared love of Christ always. With so much love and gratitude, Julie & Jodie
You ladies are sweet, genuine Christlike people and I am so glad I found you. Thank you for sharing about your faith and being real. I really hope I get to chat with you if I win the Instagram consult!
What an awesome story of not only God calling but you two being obedient to say yes! God says “if you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land”.
I read somewhere that some people come into our lives for a reason, some for a season and some for a lifetime!
What a blessing!
Dear Shawn, Thank you for your kind reply. We are so very glad you enjoyed this post, as it came straight from our hearts and lives. To be called by God and to answer that call is to be fulling alive…and it is how we fulfill our divine purposes. We are blessed today by your presence here. We hope you will continue to join us on this journey. With love & gratitude, Julie & Jodie
This is such sweet reminder of solid Truth. When God calls- Answer. Amen to that! This is the constant principle we are working on teaching our kids right now. Hearing the still small voice of our heavenly Father. And to be honest, it is my prayer for myself as well….hearing His voice and responding. No questions asked. Just open and willing heart and hands. All for His glory, knowing Jesus, and making Him known.
I loved learning more about your specific calling and how you met Sam through this story. I would love to go and see her someday since I live in the same State! Thank you for sharing! Rode trip is in my near future I’m thinkin’.
Wow Tarah, just a beautiful, even poetic response, so full of truth and love of our Lord. Now I really am rejoicing. You know I live in a suburb of Seattle, so I’m in Washington too!! XO ~ Julie
Learning to trust God’s timing and know that He will keep His promises to me is where I struggle. I’m such a planner and organizer that I try to plan and organize God. Ha!! Hilarious. But I’m learning to trust Him. Be thankful during disappointing times and know that He hears my prayers.
Elke, Welcome to our blog. I hear your struggle, and I believe it is a universal one. We give God control only to take it back an hour or two later. He knows…He is patient and forgiving. To be thankful during disappointing times, now that is tough, but boy oh boy is it powerfully healing when we can. You might be interested in reading another post, it’s my faith story and it’s called “Increasing Spirituality: Journey Toward Christ”. My other two spiritual posts are “Musings from a Debutante Blogger: Finding God’s Purpose” and “God’s Lessons are Everywhere”. I hope you enjoy. I hope you visit us often and come on this beautiful journey with us. Your friends, Julie & Jodie
What a beautiful story! You two are fulfilling God’s purpose for your lives. A year or so ago our pastor spoke on the purpose of our life. The purpose of our life is to glorify God in everything we do. That was such a profound statement to me. I have been searching for God’s will for my life. My search still continues but I now know my purpose and strive to live it out daily. Thank you so much for sharing your stories! I search for your smiling faces on IG daily. ????????????
Kay, Welcome to our blog, Sweet Friend! We are truly joyful to read your words and have you visiting us. We can only share a small fraction on IG what we are able to share here. That is our motivation for this blog…to increase our ability to grow and connect with you, our amazing friends we’ve met. So thank you for being a part of this blog. Your support and feedback drives us to share more every day. We are still at the relative beginning of this marvelous journey, but with God in the lead, it’s got to be great. Your friends, Julie & Jodie
Oops! I forgot to add: March Madness! ????
Thank you Kay, The giveaway starts today, March 1st. We hope you will come back each day, read, and leave a reply, and you’ll be entered into the drawing for that day. 31 days, 31 new giveaways…so excited…EEK! Blessings to you sweetheart, Julie & Jodie
Very inspirational.. Hello March Madness…
Absolutely beautiful. God is so wonderful!!!!!
Natalie, So happy to have you reading and enjoying our words. They are meant for you, and it brings us true joy to share our truths. Many blessings to you, dear one. with love, Julie & Jodie
Beautify said. And happy March Madness!
Melanie, Welcome to our blog!! We are just thrilled to have you join us. We hope that even though your original motivation might have been to enter our giveaways that you will take away more than you expected. With 31 days and 31 chances we hope you will return and enter again throughout the month. We hope you will grow, learn, be inspired. We hope that by the end of the month we will feel like “old friends” and you’ll never want to leave wink wink! With friendship in our hearts, Julie & Jodie
We never know where God is going to call us. It might be just at the local grocery store or just to encourage a random stranger. What an amazing trip you two had and I am sure you were blessed more than you you were a blessing. Usually how it works for me. Thank you for sharing. March Madnrss.
We are so happy you found us…and we found you! And God connected us in his way!
Thank you for blessing us with your thoughts and your kindness.
Wishing you the best of luck!
With love and gratitude,
Jodie & Julie
Ive sent sometime realizing i just need patience… but also being ever present in the moment and looking out for opportunities. Maybe I’ll be this month. March madness
Faith and patience. They work hand in hand.
Thank you for coming and for sharing. Wishing you good luck!!
Jodie & Julie
Love this post. You two are such an inspiration! March Madness
Thank you so much for reading and for your kind comment. It really was a special event.
Good luck on the giveaway…and don’t forget….you can comment each day for a new chance to win each day!
With love and blessings,
Jodie & Julie
I loved this article! So inspiring! Read it the second time today and I am sure several more during March madness. Thanks for sharing.
Glad I found your site, love that Devine intervention brought you all to this blog, Happy March, March Madness.
I love it! God works and connects us all in mysterious and wondrous ways! God bless you!
And good luck!
With love and gratitude,
Jodie & Julie
I love this post!
Sandy, Welcome to our blog. We are just so happy you are here! We hope you will enter as many days as you can…31 days, 31 chances to win…so leave a reply each day. We hope in the process you will take away more than you even hoped for! Our goal is to inspire, teach, motivate, and grow in real friendship. Jodie and I are just getting started so stay tuned…the best is yet to come. With gratitude, Julie & Jodie
“When God calls, all you need to do is listen.” Well I’m listening…thanks for being an extension of God’s amazing love, to a lot of people, including me. 😉
(March Madness)
Oh, and God never ceases to amaze me when we follow His lead as you and your sister did for that weekend. You may never know the full impact you’ve made on this world. <3
Another thing that I love about you two is your faith in Christ…
God surely bless you with so many talents, and now you’re sharing even more with all your followers, being willing to give away 31 pieces of your beautiful homes.
March Madness #pickme
What a beautiful story!! I enjoyed reading this and it’s always amazing to see God working in our lives as well as the lives of others. Thank you for sharing this and for doing this March Madness!
Sisters ~ Wow this is impacting to read! Being called to do something and stepping out in faith is such a blessing! Stories like this remind me of the Song Oceans…the lyrics. “Take me farther than my feet will ever wander.”
You can see how happy everyone is in the photo. You have the gift of hospitality! That is carried in your design, how you blog, and help people. It truly is a powerful gift. 🙂
Thank you for sharing,
March Madness! I am not sure if it took my first comment. I get so excited reading your blog. I sure enjoy it!????????????????
There is no doubt that God speaks to us. I’ve heard him speak to me many times. Sometimes it’s to stop me and other times it is move me. We just have to listen. What a beautiful post.
March Madness
Hello beautiful twin sisters. Hope you had a day filled with blessings and happy surprises. It was bitter cold here but the snow is disappearing which is a step in the right direction. Happy March Madd ness.
Hello sweet Cory! You are such a doll! It was a big day for us with more comments and sweet notes than we have ever had over here….and we got to choose our first winner! This comment enters you in tomorrow’s giveaway….so wishing you lots of luck!!
God bless you!
Jodie & Julie
Hello pretty ladies! What a great read so inspirational God speak to us in so many way we just have to be ready to Listen ????. March madness!
Exactly Janneth, exactly! The hardest thing is to listen…be patient and really listen. I’m learning, slowly. My problem is my impatience. We are all works in progress. We are so glad you made it to our blog. We hope you will stay and visit us often. With love & blessings, Julie & Jodie
What an amazing experience! I can’t imagine the emotion felt as that woman shared her story of escape. The life she lived, and to be able to bring her children as well. I think we take our freedom for granted some times. Thank you for sharing such a powerful message. March Madness.
Kimberly, The weekend was one we’ll never forget…meeting that woman was definitely a highlight…but the whole weekend we God sent…it was extraordinary. We are so thrilled to have this platform upon which to share. We hope you will continue to join us as we travel this amazing journey together. With love, Julie & Jodie
Dear Friends,
I so enjoyed reading this post. It is amazing how the Lord will open doors when you lead FAITH first.! Looks as though you and so many others were blessed. So glad I found your blog. #marchmadness is giving me time to scroll through your articles and catch up on all the good stuff! Thanks.
How inspiring to read of your experiences at the show. Before I read this article I suspected you two were Christians. Your sweetness shines through ! So happy to have “met” you, my sisters in Christ ????
I love how you followed your heart, even when you wondered what you’d have to offer. I’m sure everyone you came into contact with was inspired by you, and you by them as well. I love this story. We should all remember to listen when we are called … don’t wonder, don’t worry … just go. March Madness.
Oh my goodness ????This made me cry!!! A good Thank You Jesus cry????. This touched me in so many ways, thank you for having an obedient heart. You probably will never know how much you helped/changed the hearts of the people you took time to share with! But Jesus does!!! Xoxo
#march madness
God Bless you Jodie & Julie
March Madness!! Love you girls!????
Julie and Jodie,
Thank you for sharing your inspirational blog post. God has put us all on this earth to serve him in different ways. Your zest for life through your creativity and compassion for design and spoken word is truly a blessing to me! I enjoy every IG video and post! I feel as if I have known you both for years. Thank you both for bringing gods work into my heart and home.
Praise be for March Madness????
Wow Jill, What an amazing reply. I can hardly believe your kind words, but I hear your sincerity and it touches my heart deeply. This is why we work so hard, try to answer so many comments, and feel called to what we are doing. We truly feel called to inspire and share our hearts and our love. We are honored that you have joined us on this journey and hope you continue to be inspired. With love and friendship, Julie & Jodie
Thank you so much for this. It truly touched my heart. God bless and March Madness.
I love this. I believe that I was called years ago (although I didn’t know it then) to be a caregiver. Caregiver to 4 children (mostly as a single mom), caregiver to patients during 16 years in the dental field and now full-time caregiver to my 81 dad who has Dementia.
It seems everywhere I’ve turned in my adult life, that was my role or job. It took me a long time to realize it was my purpose.
Thank you for this. And thank you for the March Madness giveaway.
What a beautiful post thank for sharing….March Madness
This is a beautiful post. Such great reminders about listening to God’s voice. Have a fabulous weekend, ladies. ????
Sometimes God put you in places when and where you least expect to be a wittiness. One of the first things that drew me to Julie was her openness about her faith in God! BOTH of you have not only touched my life but so many others as well through of all places Instagram!!
That’s a “God thing”
March madness
Thank you, Patti
So great ! ???? got “goosebumps” reading this ! You bloomed where you were planted that day????
Brenda, It’s so true! I love that. I can’t imagaine my life now without my relationship with Christ. My life is new and it is amazing. Thank you for your kind reply. I hope you will continue to enjoy all aspects of our blog. Blessings my friend, Julie