Table of Contents:
Are you looking to get fit but feel nothing but obstacles blocking your path? Not enough time in the day? No extra money for a gym membership or trainer? No worries! In this post we are going to share our favorite FREE online fitness resources. No matter where you are or what your budget constraints we have easy real solutions for you.
Bianca (Julie’s daughter) is a model of fitness and health! She works out every day and inspires us with her dedication to her nutrition. Julie and I….well, let’s just say we’re still working on our diets and trying to put our workouts higher on our priority lists!
Free Online Fitness Resources for Your Best Ever
At-Home Workouts
I know what you’re thinking…free online fitness resources? Really? It’s the holidays! Who has time to work out? Especially now!? But hold on. This is probably the most important time of year to make time for your workouts because stress is so high and because of those extra treats popping up everywhere you turn.
Let me explain exactly why I decided to post this now. I was so busy the week of Thanksgiving that I missed my workouts for a whole week. Guess what happened? Two days after Thanksgiving was over and my house was finally put back together my back started hurting. I had been working too hard, stressing too much, and then all I did to recover was SIT!! Every body wants and needs to move, de-stress and stretch. My body was telling me loud and clear….”Don’t forget your workouts!”

Healthy eating is always an important part of the equation. Fresh fruit dipped in strawberry puree makes a yummy healthy snack.
I have put together this list of the my favorite free online fitness resources to help you make time to keep in shape during the holidays! Who has time to workout??….and more precisely, who has time to get to the gym to work out? Even if your gym is just down the street (which mine is!!) getting ready for the gym, dressing and packing your bag, driving to the gym and putting your bag in a locker is going to add 30 minutes to an hour just coming and going. However, if you had a way to workout in your own home you could be done by now!! You may want to check out my post “Jodie’s Favorite At-Home Workout” or, take a look at these on-line fitness resources. I hand-selected them because they have these criteria in common:
- Anyone can do them.
- You don’t need any fancy workout equipment.
- They offer a quick and efficient use of time.
- They give you options so you can create the workout that is right for YOU.
- Very importantly: They are all FREE.

Bianca’s years of dancing make this easy for her. Don’t worry about being able to do this, but everyone can still benefit from daily stretching!
My Top 5 Free Online Fitness Resources
#1. Fitness Blender
If I had to recommend one source I would send you straight to And I have sent many friends there already! I have been using their videos to work out for almost 2 years now, and I’m a huge FAN!
What I love:
- Excellent searchability: It’s easy to search for exactly what you are looking for in a workout. You select the criteria that is important to you. You can instantly search through literally thousands of workouts with a click of a button.
- Offer a HUGE variety of workouts.
- Organized: each workout tells exactly what will be included so you know what to expect and whether you are up for the challenge.
- They count the reps or show you the clock so you know how far you have to go!
- Each workout gives a little picture/window of the upcoming exercise so you can prepare ahead. (Sometimes it’s hard to watch WHILE you are doing the exercise.)
- It’s a husband and wife team, and they are really cute to watch…no annoying habits or fake enthusiasm. They provide just the right amount of detail to help you perform the exercises correctly while still being “real.” (They get tired too!) Julie’s favorite part is that they get tired…haha!

Bianca made these whole wheat banana muffins which were beyond delicious, protein rich, and packed with nutrition! Who says healthy can’t taste yummy?
#2. Tone It Up with Karena & Katrina
I have also been following these two beauties and referencing their website for over a year. Karena & Katrina are so cute, energetic and beautiful that they make the perfect role models. You immediately want to look just like them so its easy to take their advice and believe they know what they are talking about….whatever they are doing, it’s working!! They have great exercise ideas and also include motivational tips, recipes and nutrition advice.
Why I love them:
- Fun, interactive website with lots of ideas
- They offer a variety of great exercise routines and free printables so that you can take their ideas and run with it! (They don’t do videos but show the exercises individually with pictures so you know how to do them.)
- Lots of motivational tips and ways to get involved, ie. via social media. Joining one of their challenges can be a great way to hold yourself accountable and feel connected, which can be one of the down sides to working out at home.
- They also offer recipes, healthy eating tips and nutritional advice…and again, ways to hold yourself accountable.

Working out isn’t just about fitness. It’s about being good to yourself and allowing yourself a few minutes each day to just breath!
#3. Jessica Smith TV
I recently found Jessica Smith TV video series and really liked them. She is very relatable and easy to follow. What I love:
- Easy to follow exercises that don’t require equipment other than optional hand weights.
- Broken down into short videos so you don’t need a huge time commitment, and you can combine to create a personalized workout.
- Her website is organized into different categories so it is easy to find and select different types of workouts.
- As a mom and middle-aged woman (I hate that term but….) I really felt like I was her target audience. She films her videos right in her own living room. Like I said, very relatable!
I also wanted to mention a couple other Free Online Fitness Resources that you might want to check out:
#4. Make Your body Work
These videos by Dave Smith at are awesome! He’s got a great reputation for being an effective personal trainer and weight-loss coach. In addition, there is a wealth of knowledge on this site. You can search the blog for specific topics of interest. He has Blog Posts and Podcasts on anything and everything related to healthy eating, nutrition and exercise.
The only negative and why I am not recommending this more highly on my list is that I couldn’t find any organization to his catalog of videos or way to search through the videos to find what they focused on. He has literally hundreds of videos (which is a good thing) but even the titles of the videos don’t offer much insight into what the workout is about. On the positive side, if you don’t mind being surprised by what your workout is going to focus on each day, this would be a great resource for you.

Bianca’s beautiful glowing skin is also a reflection of her healthy diet.
#5. Turbulence Training YouTube Videos
I love trainer Craig Ballantyne’s Turbulence Training no-nonsense approach to workouts. I really like the philosophy of this series because it fits right in line with what I believe to be important….that in order for a workout to really fit into my lifestyle I want to be able to do it anywhere, anytime, with little to no equipment. Is that asking too much? This YouTube channel is worth checking out because it focuses on workout routines that have been proven to be effective in producing results!
On the negative side, it doesn’t have the relatability factor that FitnessBlender, Karena & Katrina and Jessica Smith have going for them. If you are motivated this probably isn’t your biggest concern. Go for it!

When working out don’t forget to include healthy sources of protein at every meal. Natural peanut butter and greek yogurt are some of our favorites.
I hope you choose to put these free online fitness resources to the test this holiday season. Now that you’ve read my reviews it’s your turn to give them a try. No more excuses about not having time to work out. Do you have 15 minutes? Well, these trainers have a workout for you! Try not to miss a day, even if it’s 5 minutes. Once you get in the habit of doing something every day and some of these routines get in your head it will get easier and easier to remember….and easier to just get down on the floor when you are relaxing in front of the TV and do a few sit-ups, push-ups or stretches! So many great options…I hope these resources help you make it through the holidays….even when your schedule seems to be working against you!

Turning 50 this year reminded us of how important it is to pay attention to our health, fitness and nutrition.
Cheers to staying happy, healthy and fit this Holiday Season and beyond!
With love and blessings,

Went for a long walk with my bestie last night. We made a commitment to do this at least 3 to 5 times a week ( lots of hills in our area) thx, P.
Patrice, That’s awesome. You’ve got a workout buddy, and you’ve made a commitment to exercise and to each other. These are all great signs you’ll have success. Motivation is usually harder than the exercise itself. Thank you so much for your sweet support on our blog. It really does make all our work worthwhile to have your support. Good luck with your exercise commitments and let us know how it goes! With blessings, Julie & Jodie
Just recently found your blog via a picture on Decor Steals anyway I’m turning 49 this year and found Shelly Dose. You can find her on You Tube and Pinterest. Love her workouts. They are awesome and she is full of personal inspiration, which seems right up your alley.
Hi Kris, Welcome to our blog! We are so glad you found us! Thank your for reading and also thank you for your kind reply. We will definitely check out Shelly. Great tip! We will of course be adding more work out posts and healthy living posts, as well as home decor ideas, so we hope you will check back often. We wish you a happy and healthy 2017! Blessings, Julie & Jodie
Hopping around your blog for March Madness. Trying to catch up all your posts since I recently found you. I’m excited about this one and can’t wait to check out these exercise sites. I’m familiar with Jessica Smith and like her. I have a goal. I’m going to be 60 this summer and I hope to be in the best shape I can be!
The article is very beautiful and informative, thank you for sharing such a wonderful knowledge.
Aw we are so glad to hear you found this article helpful. We hope to hear from you again in the future.
Lots of love,
Jodie & Julie