Table of Contents:
our best budget-friendly spring decor ideas to love
We are sharing our favorite affordable spring decor ideas that are simple, inexpensive and a great way to create a light, bright, fresh & beautiful home. Let’s liven up our homes for Spring, shall we?
Why We Love Spring
Who doesn’t love spring? It’s all about a fresh start and rebirth. The world comes alive again with renewed activity & life. The days grow longer. People seem to smile more easily as they emerge from their winter hibernation. Sunshine prevails and once again we peer at life through rose colored glasses. Do you want a fresh spring look for your home but have little or no decor budget? These 6 budget spring decor ideas are the answer. Whether you have a small budget or no budget, you can easily create a fresh spring look for your home today. It’s exciting to create this light, bright, optimistic mood inside our homes. Read on and I’ll show you how.
Springtime Memories
Growing up surviving the long, cold winters in Connecticut by the time February came around we were more than ready for a change. Every spring break Julie and I would head down to Florida to see our Grandparents and get an early taste of warm weather and sunshine, the kind of weather that had not yet arrived in New England. Those few days spent soaking up the sun would totally lift our spirits and brighten our outlook on life. We would come back sun-tanned and feeling like we were on top of the world.
Well, no matter how old we get or what kind of weather we have after the holidays are over and we settle into the darker colder days of winter there is nothing better than looking forward to spring. Short of flying south to a tropical destination (that ALSO sounds good) I want to share how you can bring an uplifting early spring mood to your decor. It’s amazing how these simple, inexpensive changes can lift your mood and brighten your spirits. It’s like you’re bringing a little sunshine and warmth into your home. Even if the temperatures outside are still quite chilly, even if the daylight hours are still less than we’d like, you can brighten the mood with these 6 easy budget decor ideas.

6 Budget Spring Decor Ideas
1. Pillows
Pillows are my go-to first choice for budget decor updates. Why? They can be super inexpensive. Especially if you buy just the pillow covers. Be sure to take a look in our shop for some of our favorites. Another reason we LOVE pillows and can’t get enough of them is that they are so easy to incorporate. You don’t have to hang them or worry about putting holes in your walls when you want to change them out. Literally throw them on your couch or bed. Voila! You have a totally new look. Also, feel free to layer them endlessly with your existing pillows. The possibilities are endless. In addition, if you purchase just the pillow covers they are easy to store. Just fold and lay flat. You can store dozens and keep them readily on hand for when you want to change them again. Need I say more?
2. Budget Spring Decor: Fresh Flowers
Ok, fresh flowers may not make it onto everyone’s budget-friendly list, but even at my worst financial moments I made a small weekly budget for fresh flowers because of the value they added to my life. Knowing how to take care of fresh flowers so that you get your money’s worth is very important. I actually stopped buying hydrangeas for about a year because every time I bought them they wilted within hours. Finally I got smart! I Googled it. And armed with new information I decided to brave it and buy them again. Guess what? Success.
Now I am sure to use tepid room temperature water instead of cool or cold water. And, most importantly, I cut up the stem 1.5-2″ so that I open up the stem. The idea is to allow for the stem to drink up as much water as possible. Now I can keep hydrangeas alive and looking gorgeous for two weeks or more. I also buy my flowers almost exclusively at Trader Joe’s. This is both convenient and the most economical location I have found for me. I challenge you to find the best floral deals in your area, and then make it a part of your budget without any accompanying guilt.
It’s kind of funny but Julie has been hard to convince of the “value” of fresh flowers. Granted, she has a ton of faux flowers to choose from. But, this spring she revealed to me that she is finally convinced. She will readily admit to a new-found addiction to fresh flowers., which you’ll see witnessed in her rounds of IG pictures this spring.
3. Fresh Cut Blooms or Branches
This is the cheapest spring decor update because they are free. For some of you all you need to do is look outside in your garden or front yard for some inspiration. Okay, maybe you live in an apartment complex which means you don’t have your own yard. What about looking for clippings the next time you go on a hike? I don’t have much of a garden, but I hadn’t even thought of making cuttings from my plum trees. I got this awesome idea from all of my amazing Instagram friends. To me they were just trees, and it hadn’t even occurred to me to use them. I did have to climb up a ladder and my neighbors did ask me what I was up to. But it was worth it!
4. Budget Spring Decors: Faux Flowers
Let’s talk about faux flowers for a minute. Yes, there is an initial investment, but we all know that spring comes around every year and that you will be getting more use out of these than just one season. Julie & I are constantly moving our faux flowers around our houses. Here I filled my dough bowl with faux flowers that I have bought over the span of about seven years.
Faux flowers are also a good idea if you want to decorate spaces where you wouldn’t put a vase. See how I used faux flowers to add a bit of color to my three-tiered tray on the buffet? And yes, we do have growing stashes of faux flowers hidden away but to us it’s worth it. We also wait for 40-50% off sales at local craft stores which happen regularly.
5. Simplify
Decorating updates aren’t always about adding decor. In this case, spring is about cleaning and fresh starts. It’s a time to get organized and sort through some of the stuff that accumulates over the course of a year. For spring, I like to embrace this idea and simplify my decor. Spring is a good time to put away some of your heavy throws and your extra decor items. Embrace a clean look that is crisp and free of clutter (this could involve, eek, dare I say it, some organizing, sorting and maybe a trip to “Good Will” or Salvation Army).
Rejoice in the look of a clear counter and empty space. You get the idea. Another way to interpret this idea of “simplification” is to apply it to your color palette. You might want to choose a monochromatic color palette. Create a calm, peaceful look by keeping everything neutral, everything white, or just choosing one color for your decor. This will create a soothing and unifying look. Aren’t we all still recovering from the chaotic decor of Christmas? As much as I love it, I crave simplicity after it’s over.
6. Brighten Up
Use lighter colors in your decor: white or lighter pastels. It might even be a good time to take out a can of paint and lighten up a wall or a piece of furniture. Paint is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to impact your decor. Last spring I painted most of my house a light cool grey color called “Modern Grey” by Valspar. I don’t like to give paint advice because every space is so unique and the lighting has everything to do with what color will look good in your house. However, that being said, I love my choice of color because it brightened up my space so much that I feel like I have a new home.
For more springtime inspiration, visit KariAnne’s blog at Thistlewood Farms.
Budget Spring Decor is Fun and Easy
We love spring! It has always been both Julie’s and my absolute favorite time of year; a time when we find renewed hope and optimism after the sometimes dark days of winter. It’s no wonder we love to decorate for spring. Even more exciting is the fact that your budget spring decorating does’t have to mean “cheap.” It doesn’t even mean you have to “settle.” Budget decor can be simple and elegant. When you’re on a budget you just want to make smart choices that are worth it to you. We hope these six budget spring decor ideas have inspired you. You can start incorporating them easily into your current decor today. We hope the updates you make will lift your mood and brighten your spirits all season long.

I’m going shopping later today and getting some flowers-come on spring!!! March madness ????????????
Yay Judy! So happy this helped you focus on what to do and how easy it can be. Have fun with it. Your friends, Julie & Jodie
Looks like y’all are “hopping” into Spring! ???? Your decor.
March Madness!
Marla, You are so cute. Well, we sure are! We like to be ahead of the game. That way you find our inspiration and get ideas in time for your homes to be ready when the season starts. We don’t necessarily advocate decorating as soon as we do, but you understand. Also, we like to tell people that you should decorate when it feels right for you and no one else. We are so happy to find you on our blog and we hope you make it a regular part of your day to pay us a visit. With love & gratitude, Julie & Jodie
Can’t wait to see what advice yall give on Chalk Painting! I have a hutch that I am dying to change up! Can’t wait to read your blog. Thanks for all of your great tips!
March Madness!!!
Love it! Great ideas. I’m on the fresh flower kick right now. You guys have such beautiful pictures of your tulips I just had to break down and buy some at the grocery store. I no sooner styled them on my kitchen table and it snowed! ???????? Oh well – Spring will get here eventually! March Madness ????
I just LOVE ???? All of your Spring Decor and ideas! Can’t wait to start bringing a little freshness to my home. So inspired by the 2 of you!
March Madness!!! ????
I knew I was going to love this post as soon as I saw the word “budget.” That pillow/pillow cover Idea? How did I not think of something that easy and fun?! Great point about storage, too. One of the hardest things for me about having décor I change with the seasons is storage. I have always been a fan of fresh flowers. My grocery store usually has a pretty good selection of flowers that will last a week or longer and are pretty inexpensive. Thank you so much for the hydrangea tip! I love hydrangeas! These are all wonderful suggestions! March Madness
Good Morning!…Oh I love the way you have lightened up for Spring. I am guilty of just adding more decor, I need to simplify. I need storage and organization for the items I am not using right now. Seasonal goodies I must keep.. Fresh Flowers really do breathe life into a room. Thank-you for all these great ideas. Hope your have an awesome weekend.
OOOps.. I almost forgot MARCHMADNESS .. lol
I am with you on the faux flowers….there are some really good ones out there that look just as good as the real thing. March Madness!!
Love you sister-bond…I’m a gardener at heart, always love bringing a bit of the outside indoors. Forcing bulbs and cut branches from my peach tree are some of the ways I like to add color. Just a bowl of fruit says spring too. Will have to use some of your other tips. Thanks for hosting ‘March Madness’.
Tresha, Thank you for your great reply. Love the idea of fresh fruit in a fruit bowl, too. We get lots of great ideas from interacting with our followers and friends, like you! We are so glad you made it to our blog, and while we know you might have been motivated by our giveaway we sincerely hope you will find lots to inspire you and enjoy coming back again and again. We’re so excited about this journey and hope to share so much with you. With gratitude, Julie & Jodie
I love this topic, budget buying is my best friend.. Heading to Ikea with my daughter to see what I can find. It’s still freezing here in Canada but sunny..Bring on the spring decor..Have a blessed day ladies..????..
Love the post about spring ideas!! I finally did my first gallery wall last night and am so happy with it!! Daughter comes home from college tonight and she’s bringing 6 friends for the week!! So excited to see her!! Its definitely March madness!!????????????
I am off to get some fresh flowers – and some branches – just have to ask my neighbor. ????????????March Madness. ????
Love flowers, my favorite right now is the beautiful Iris. Then in the summer it changes to sunflowers. Day 4 March Madness!
Happy Saturday & March Madness!! When I read the title of this blog, I knew I needed to read it. I love that you pointed out Spring is about simplicity & decor refresh. I can easily feel like I need to buy more stuff. But I am definitely going to Trader Joe’s today for some tulips ???? Also, I have been wanting some spring pillows & LOVE the ones you both have from sovintagechic, but they’re still on the pricey side for me. Do you have any other suggestions? Thank you!
So many great ideas! Simple, yet elegant. I so appreciate the way you inspire from your hearts. You encourage all of us to make our homes a haven where our family and friends want to gather! March Madness
Diane, What a lovely reply. Thank you for those kind words. That is exactly the type of response we hope and pray for. So it pretty much makes our day! We are so glad you made it over here to our blog and we hope you will come back often to be inspired in all kinds of ways. With gratitude, Julie & Jodie
Spring does bring rebirth. I love watching everything bloom and the colors that come with it. This post has me excited about the months to come. I love summer too. March Madness
Hi there, Welcome to our blog! I think your name is Cathy (it appears as you typed it as Carhy), but I’m going to assume it’s Cathy 🙂 We are so glad you made it here. And while we know you came because you were motivated by our giveaway, we truly hope you be inspired and rewarded in more ways than you had hoped. We hope you will find tips and tools to motivate and inspire you. And we hope you will come back and visit us often. With gratitude and friendship, Julie & Jodie
It is Cathy! Whoops. I have loved following the both of you for some time mainly on IG. Your inspiration is always so beautiful. Enjoying all of your blig posts and have been carving out time at night to just sit and read all of your posts. Have a wonderful day ????
I love all these ideas for Sprng, I’ve recently started changing pillows for a fresh look. Never did I think about pillow covers, makes sense and the storage idea is an excellent tip. Love learning something new everyday…March Madness
Rejoice in the look of a clear counter… favorite tip you gave. Never go to bed or leave your house without that and when it becomes a habit you will forever be calmer. ✨✨✨March Madness✨✨✨
Hi Ladies. I’m about to head out to get more flowers to plant. Wishing everyone a great Saturday. Liz in Louisiana ????????
I’m going to add spring pillows! March Madness!
Love love your spring flowers. Although I live in fla. I can have real flowers all year. You both are such an inspiration to me. Your inner kindness is passed onto me daily and I try to be a good example because of you both. Can’t wait till tomorrow.
Oh My goodness Jackie, What a sweetheart! One of the kindest replies we’ve read. Thank you for your generous words. It really does mean the world to us. It is our “why”…it is what motivates us to work hard and fill our days creating and communicating and being all God created us to be. Because we truly want to inspire others to do the same…to be all you can be. With love and many blessings, Julie & Jodie
Great deals girls! There are also flowers to bring in from your own yard…..iris in the spring are gorgeous!
I ador fresh flowers on my kitchen table and living room coffee table. I avoid the expense because i cant seem to make them last. Your inspiration has me thinking i should try again. Tulips i think. Thank you.
#marchmadness ????
Your photos are drop-dead gorgeous! Those soft blush pinks speak gentleness and renewal to me. For me, Spring means bringing in touches of green to tuck in vases, ironstone, scales, buckets and for draping. It just makes you feel like taking a deep breath when you enter a room with “spring greens” in it. Thank you for a beautiful AND practical post. March Madness!
Love this post and your photos are beautiful! Great ideas and I see fresh flowers in my future…today! March Madness!
Hi Jodie and Julie! What a fun post! Hope you get lots of March Madness today! Love you!
Thank you Tammy! So glad you made it to our blog. We hope you will make it a habit…a good kind of habit…the kind that motivates, inspires, and makes you smile. With love & gratitude, Julie & Jodie
Jodie, I sure did forget to put March Madness in my not earlier today.
Jackie, No worries. We got you. With love, Julie
Great tips!! Number 1 and 2 are my top tips too!! We are still under snow but it’s spring inside ????
March madness ????
There you go, Shauna! Love to hear how you’ve taken control of your home by making it spring. We do what we need to do to make it through winter, right? You are a girl after our own hearts! We hope you will make time for us in your day every day so we can travel this journey of inspiration and friendship! With love, Julie & Jodie
I so enjoy reading your blogs. What a beautiful home you have, and it is surely a reflection of your warm and giving personality. Such lovely and fresh ideas for spring. Thank you for the inspiration!
Tina, We just loved receiving your kind and generous reply! We are so happy you made it to our blog and appreciate your support. We hope you will continue to enjoy and come back regularly to be inspired in all kinds of ways. With gratitude and friendship, Julie & Jodie
March Madness! Spring is my favorite season. I just started pulling out my spring decor. I am a little behind this year.????????
Hello Patsy Darling! So happy to see you over here on our blog. We hope you will make it a habit…like Instagram…only better. We save our best stuff for over here on the blog, wink wink, so you have to travel here to get it! Seriously, though, it’s true. We hope you will take the time (or make the time) to read more of our inspiring posts! With love and gratitude Julie & Jodie
Love your ideas, Jodie.
Another thing, I believe, that screams SPRING is scents. In late February I switch my wax melt scent from those cozy smells like cashmere & cinnamon rolls to floral scents. Right now I’m smelling wonderful Sweet Peas. And the sound of birds singing outside reminds me the robins and doves have moved up from the south. It’s a good time to move your feeder a little closer to the window or door, so you can hear them. Just my 2 cents worth. ;’)
Now, back to your regularly scheduled blog for March Madness.
So true on simplifying, I have a bad habit of wanting to display everything I own since it felt wasteful to spend money on it and not keep it out. I need to start with the top of my cabinets! March Madness
Confession time! This is the first year I’ve really gone all out and decorated for spring. For me, it started in the fall and its been so fun and I’ve clearly beem missing out all these years Whether it’s because we are almost empty nesters and I have a bit more time on my hands or because I’ve become more involved in the IG community and everyones posts are so encouraging and fun and I feel I want a sense of belonging, I don’t know but I thank you both so much for the encouragement and blog posts like this that help me put decorating ideas all together. I am such a visual person.
I love the newness and rebirth of spring and the feelings it evokes of having made it through another cold dark winter.
Thank you for these tips and the beautiful puctures you’ve put with them. Thank you for MARCH MADNESS too !
Looking forward to your next post.
Some wonderful suggestions. I love Trader Joe’s flowers, unfortunately there are none close by, but the supermarket does have tulips for a good price right now. March Madness!
I didn’t know you can buy just the pillow cases! My home is very small so storage for pillows is impossible. However, if all I have to change is the pillow case….PERFECT! Thank you for the wonderful tips!!
Sandy, Most stores sell the pillows together with the covers, but online shopping has started to separate them more and more. I too love this since I like to change my pillows out almost monthly. And pillows are big to store. Plus you save money. It’s a win win. We are so happy you have joined us on our blog. We hope you will continue to join us and be inspired. With gratitude, Julie & Jodie
Alright ladies, you have to spill your secret about your bedroom pillows! How do you make them stay that fluffy?! I bought pillows recently, and bought both extra firm and medium softness and they are flat already. I need some tips on strong fluffy pillows! March Madness.
Kim, You are so cute…we didn’t know it was a secret. The funny thing, and this is the truth, I forbid by hubby to lean on them 🙂 (insert laughing emoji many times here!) We have a lot of “illegal pillows” as he as dubbed them. We have legal ones and then illegal ones. You don’t want firm ones for show…those are definitely not the “full, fluffy ones”. The firm ones could be your leaning ones. What I do is I have the one I use to sleep, then a firm one to lean on, and the show pillow in the front that remains full and unwrinkled from lack of use. They are not expensive…just go to Target or where ever and choose the fullest ones you find. Hope that helps! Thank you so much for your kind support. We certainly appreciate you. XO ~ Julie & Jodie
Alright, I like your thought process! I’m going to take on this task and develop a new way of thinking.
Your dough bowl looks gorgeous! I’m with you on fresh flowers too – they are worth what they bring to my soul ☺ I normally get mine at Costco. March Madness…
Thanks for this post. I’m anxiously awaiting Spring here in Michigan. We have several flowering trees in our yard. I will be snipping branches once they bloom. Spring can’t be far since it’s March Madness!!
Flowers…. exactly what my home is lacking!! Great advice! And lovely home!!!
Jennifer, Welcome to our blog! And thank you for your sweet reply. We absolutely love to hear your feedback and appreciate your support. We hope you will make our blog a regular part of your every day and that each time you visit you will take away some motivation, information and inspiration. With gratitude, Julie & Jodie
Great idea I’m on my way to Trader Joe’s and maybe Home Good thanks for sharing….March Madness ????????????????????
Awwww. Thanks for all the great ideas, especially about the fresh flowers and making them last longer ????????
Oh….and…. MARCH MADNESS. Every time I type it, basketball comes to my mind. I do love me some basketball too. ????????
I love these tips ! I do agree flowers add such a warmth! Many years ago my mother taught me that if you put a copper penny at the bottom of the vase of fresh cut tulips, they will last longer…not wilting the next day! I do this and it works !
OOO, I love this idea. I really love it when we learn from our followers and friends…which is quite often I might add! Thank you. Also, we love your being here and taking the time to reply. We hope you will continue to make our blog a fun addition to your days, and hope you will leave a little inspired, motivated, excited, and loved 🙂 Because you are! XO ~ Julie & Jodie
I honestly enjoy reading all the information you provide for us. I look forward to all your Instagram stories. Your homes are just stunning, I have learned quite a bit. I love pillow covers because they are affordable and I lack storage space. I have a shopping addiction for all decor items for the home. The problem is that I live in a tiny space so I end up giving my things to my friends and start over. If you go to my Instagram account (gladysm3) you’ll notice the wall over my t.v. Has been changed three times. It’s insane (don’t judge) lol. But decorating is my passion and I will not stop. With your expertise I will learn some pointers. Continue to do an awesome job my friends. God bless you richly.
March Madness.
Oh My Gosh, Gladys, I love your attitude! I love decor and I will not stop! You are a girl after our hearts! Thank you for your beautiful reply…you just made our day! We hope you will continue to enjoy and make our blog a fun part of your every day. I hope we can always inspire and motivate you in ways that add joy and meaning to your life. With gratitude, Julie & Jodie
March Madness.. Love the budget friendly decorations.
Jackey J
Such a great post! I love spring and love all of your ideas :). “March Madness”
I saw in Jodie’s IG story today a picture of cows I think? Are you able to show that picture again and where you got it. Thanks
Julie and Jodie,
Thank you for all the great ideas to spruce our homes for spring!! I am a firm believer in bringing in fresh florals into the home. I visit our local Saturday market and Costco for fresh cut flowers. A flower I often use that we overlook is carnations or daisies. With some tlc they can last for a few weeks????????. Thank you for your sharing your sprinspiration! ????
Looking forward to what march madness month…
Such great ideas and reminders. Flowers just say Spring to me. Love the tulips! March Madness
Oh my gosh I’m glad I’m not the only person who cuts limbs from trees!!???? I’ve been know to go on walks just to “collect” things for decorating! My husband just rolls his eyes and keeps on walking!!
#March Madness!????????????????
Xoxo Jodie & Julie
So good! This is the time of year that I treat myself to buying fresh flowers. I just need them to make it to spring. March Madness.
Wonderful ideas! You both have such beautiful homes!
Emily, What a sweetheart you are. We appreciate you and your kindness. Thank you for your support. We hope you will make our blog a fun, inspiring part of your every day. We really are just getting started and hope you’ll come along for the journey. XO ~ Julie & Jodie
I to am in New England! Boy I can’t wait for spring! I have been slowly taking out my faux floral and the flowers are starting to peak their way out! March Madness
Love these ideas! I bought some lovely peach hydrangeas yesterday, can’t wait to style them!
Hi Mandi, Welcome to our blog. Wow, peach? Those sound amazing! We are truly so happy that you have made it to our blog and we hope you will continue to visit us regularly. We have so much in store. With love & gratitude, Julie & Jodie
I love this blog post and appreciate all the ideas! I love to collect pillow covers and change them out regularly too!???? Our trader joes has the best flowers too!:) March Maddness day 4!!!!
Shelly, It sounds like you’ve got all the right ideas. You’re officially part of the club! Hee Hee! Great minds think alike so I think you really belong here with us! We are so glad to have you here with us and hope you’ll stick around for a long time to come. With gratitude and friendship, Julie & Jodie
Hi girls, once again a great post with sound advice! Pillow covers can make such a big impact with little money spent. And I love the idea of using branches from our yards. I’m really enjoying your blog. March madness is fun. Thank you, Patti
What an inspirational post!!! You are so on point that freshening up for spring doesn’t need to cost money!! I’m in the process of pulling out things from last year and thinking of new ways to use them!!! Love this post and your March Madness Fiesta!!!!!
Great post! Fresh flowers and throw pillows are my latest obsession! It’s amazing how excited I get over finding a new pillow to change up my small space! I am loving the March Madness posts! Keep them coming! ????????
I live all the pinks and spring colors! When buying something from your shop, do you still get credit if i buy item similar to what you have posted ? March Madness ????
I’ve never been much into decorating for Spring…but you ladies have got me all fired up! ….Now, I must! Thanks always for so much inspiration!
March Madness
Lovely Sisters,
All these are such wonderful and great ideas. I wish I had a beautiful plum tree in my home. They look stunning in your photos. March Madness.
????????Thank you again for sharing! ????????
That dough bowl full of gorgeous flowers…….sigh! ???????????? Trader Joe’s is definitely my go to for flowers also…and occasionally Costco. Great tips ~ thx! There are fabulous pillow covers available on Amazon. March Madness ????????????
Thanks for the ideas! Wish I could go for a walk and cut limbs from trees, but I live in the desert. ????Cacti and succulents have to do the job.
Always looking for new Instagram stories of you ladies… Your pink tree in front of your house is gorgeous… Mad Madness Fever #pickme
Spring is my favorite time of year! I agree on pillows and flowers to brighten up any room. Happy March Madness!!!
All of your ideas are right on. I LOVE spring. Lighten up, and for me I love to bring on the more light ,pastle colors. Spring is my favorite time of the year… flowers are blooming and the sun stays out a bit longer….March Madness
I fell so in love with your pink tulip pics on IG that I bought 2 bunches for myself at the grocery store yesterday. ???? Then when I got home I decided to put them in a pretty vase (minus 3 I kept for myself) and gave them to my neighbour since she’s been a bit down lately. She perked right up and loved them. It’s amazing how simple flowers can truly bring sunshine into our lives.
I also love faux flowers for “out in the middle” of a room since I have a very curious cat and although he hasn’t yet knocked over a vase full of water, I just feel better knowing that if he did knock a vase over and I’m not around to clean it up immediately, that my hardwood wouldn’t be ruined. So vases with real flowers and water are relegated to spots that he either can’t get to or the vase is in a position that it can’t be knocked over! ???? Better safe than sorry.
I’m loving your March Madness series ????????
Spring is the best time to start fresh! Thanks for the ideas! I always think of faux flowers as the cheap ugly kind. ???? I need to go explore my hobby store and find some pretty ones.:) love the ideas. March Madness!????
Sharon, Welcome sweetie. We used to think the same, and maybe they we’re as good but you can find amazing ones these days. We hope you will continue on this journey with us. with love & gratitude, Julie & Jodie
Flowers ! Flowers ! Flowers ! March Madness ! ????????????????????????????
I Love Everything you both do!! I’m so ready for spring!! Thank you so much for all the little ideas that you share. I’m ready to decorate and freshen up for sure. I follow you on IG and I love to watch Julie’s videos. Happy Spring! March Madness 🙂
Dear Wendy, Welcome dear friend! We are so glad you are here! We love the fact that we are helping motivate you and inspire you in your decorating efforts. Good luck on the giveaway. We hope by the end of the month we’ll feel like old friends and you’ll have made visiting our blog a part of your day 🙂 Thank you for your sweet reply regarding my videos…do you watch Jodie’s too? If not, you should haha. Because if you enjoy mine you would certainly enjoy hers. With love & friendship, Julie & Jodie
I love all the fresh flowers! March Madness!
I love these tips for spring decorating. Now to plan a day for shopping for pillows and flowers ???? loving March Madness
Beautiful post. I enjoy your blog so much! I clip branches from our yard too! March Madness❤❤
Charlotte, We are grateful for you kind support. We hope you will continue to make our blog a fun part of your days and that you will be inspired and motivated in all kinds of ways. With love & friendship, Julie & Jodie
I’m in the process of tearing my living room apart for a new look, will incorporate these tips with Spring around the corner!
Cathy, We love to hear you will be incorporating our ideas! It makes us so happy. We hope you will continue to join us on the blog for lots more inspiration and fun…XO ~ Julie & Joide
You both have inspired me to head to Trader Joes to pick up some fresh flowers. So ready for Spring!!
Tracy, Darling! So excited you replied to the blog!! What!? Seriously…what a treat!! We love seeing you on our blog. Thank you, Cutie Pie, for all your sweet support…it means so much. XO ~ Julie & Jodie
Flowers and green are my favorites. Spring definitely breathes new life into me and my home. Your beautiful blog does too. Thanks for all of these inspirational, simple tips. Love your blog and love March madness.
Spring has to be my favorite season! I love to decorate with God’s free gifts, hello nature!
March madness!
Great blog just in time for Spring~!! Love the idea on the pillow covers couldn’t agree more and simplify~~ Spring time is the best time to spring clean, de-clutter, organize and simplify for sure. Happy Sunday. Thanks again for “March Madness”
Great blog Jodi. I love both fresh and faux flowers. I have them all over the house. It actually makes me feel better. Lately I’ve been buying fresh flowers from Costco which are much cheaper then other places. And they last! But like you, I wait until the sale and buy a tone of faux flowers as I love making arrangements.
March Madness.
We are full of gratitude Nadia! Thank you for your support. We hope you will continue to enjoy what you read. With love, Julie & Jodie
The beauty, intentionality, and passion that flows from each of your blog posts is such an inspiration to me. As I visit your blog and come across your instagram posts in my feed each week, I am so blessed by you both. I have often thought of posting, but never have until now. I just felt a nudge today to let you know how much I appreciate you. It is obvious you pour your heart and soul into what you do and I am deeply blessed because of it. I want to thank you specifically for this post as it provides me with new, budget friendly ideas for how to decorate our our home. My husband and I are newlyweds and are living off of my teacher salary while he finishes graduate school, so the word “budget” is a word I am well acquainted with. While I have dreams of owning a beautiful home that is decorated just to my liking, I have and am learning what it is to be content in our small apartment with many of our second hand items. Little by little, however, I am learning to make our place feel more like home with small touches here and there. Thank you for the inspiration today. I am grateful for it. Love, Kayla March Madness
Wow, Kayla, you have truly touched my heart today! We are so grateful to hear your kind, kind words. It makes all we do seem even more worthwhile when we hear feedback that we have inspired someone. Our parents were both teachers and we lived on a pretty tight budget growing up with 6 kids in a very wealthy town. Everyone around us had what seemed like endless money while we were wealthy in other ways. Our parents were and are amazing, and they were dedicated to us. We applaud your career choice. We love love love the fact that you are enjoying our blog and IG. We hope you will continue to make our blog a part of your every day. With gratitude and friendship, Julie & Jodie
Thanks, it is so fun to see more of your homes with the ideas you share. I appreciate your enthusiasm and authenticity. Thanks for bringing some beautiful pictures of spring to my home today! Blessings,
So happy for Spring to be here! Thank you for the great ideas and the March Madness giveaway!
Thank you so much – always so inspirational AND motivating.
Mairi, Welcome to our blog! We are so happy you are visiting us. We appreciate your kind words and thank you for taking the time to leave a reply. It means so much to hear from you. We truly hope you will make our blog a part of your daily routine and join us as we travel on this journey of discovery and finding joy in all we do. With gratitude & friendship, Julie & Jodie
Love love all the ideas for spring!!!
Thanks for all you two do! March madness day 5!:)))
Love all the ideas for Spring ! I love getting fresh flowers. It such an easy way to brighten up a room ???? March Madness !!
Beautiful and inspiring! Thank you! March madness
love all the florals and pastels…thanks for the great ideas
Tracy, You are so very welcome. We are thrilled you made it to our blog and hope you find many reasons to return. With gratitude, Julie & Jodie
All great ideas and words of wisdom…..when we think about it it’s all things our mother’s used to do and generations before them.. Declutter, spring cleaning, fresh flowers, simplify, out with the old and make room for the new and rebirth of the seasons!!!! ….. and of course see how you could re-purpose, something you already have. A little bit of fabric or paint went a long way….., a new table runner or slip cover for a pillow… an older brother’s hand me down desk turned into something so feminine and fresh! Somehow it feels like they did more on less and for more children than we have now! LOL March Madness!
Thank you for your helpful Spring Decorating ideas. You inspired me to get started! March Madness
I have tried to find some ways to incorporate faux flowers but I’m always afraid the will look like my Aunt Betty’s house with faux flowers stuck in every basket and cup and hole in her house ????. But my addiction to fresh flowers grows daily! Would love a tutorial or insta story on how you get your faux flowers to look like they belong in a space. March Madness!
I hadn’t thought about doing new pillow covers instead of buying new pillows- duh! Definitely cheaper and easier to store! And that spring tablescape with faux hydrangeas is darling! Ahhhh, spring! ???? March Madness
I’m so ready for spring and love all of your ideas especially fresh flowers. March Madness!
I live in Snohomish WA, enough with this cold weather! I’m soon ready for spring! March Madness
It’s wonderful to see someone else sees the beauty and economic value of faux flowers too. I really enjoy your florals in the dining table. Very pretty!
Your ideas are “spot-on” for a bringing a little spring into our homes. I love decorating with fresh flowers. I use them pretty much in every season! The more fresh flowers – the merrier I am! ha! Hope you both are doing well! Hugs…Lisa
Love all the pink and white and green colors in this blog post! Decorating on a budget is so important to me; your tips are right on! Pillows, fresh flowers and simplifying …. how can you go wrong? Bring on March Madness!
Thanks for so many great ideas! I’m definitely going to try my hand at keeping hydrangeas fresh longer with your tips. Loving March Madness!
Hi There, Thank you for joining us on our blog! We are happy you found something helpful. We hope you will find lots to inspire and reasons to return to visit us regularly. With gratitude, Julie & Jodie
What a wonderful sight and blog. Spring is the Best. Thank you Jodie and a Julie for bringing us so much Joy. We are all Blessed by belonging to this community. Have a great week everyone. I’m so honored to be chosen for the March Giveaway
Thank You. Liz
Aw Liz, We thank you. Since the beginning you have connected with Jodie and me in the most genuine real way. We both consider you our real friend, simply one we haven’t met in person yet. God brings souls together for reasons. We feel so much love for you and from you. We are not surprised you came up as a winner. God chooses perfectly. With gratitude and friendship, Julie & Jodie
Happy Spring! March Madness <3
You are the reason I went to Trader Joe’s this weekend and bought fresh flowers. I have seriously been swooning over your pictures. Those tulips & those pillows ???????? and March Madness!
Hope the hubs doesn’t mind I trim our fruitless plum tree so I can put some branches in a vase as you suggested… they have the most beautiful little pink flowers similar to yours.
Happy March Madness!
Pamela, We hope he doesn’t mind…you can always blame it on us 🙂 We love having you visit our blog. We hope we hear from you often. It is our desire to inspire you in all ways and along the journey we hope we become lovely friends. With gratitude, Julie & Jodie
Hi Girls! Great ideas on making the flowers last longer. Thank you! March madness
Marie, We love having you visit our blog…just love it! We hope you will visit us often and make our blog part of your daily routine. We hope you find all kinds of inspiration, and we hope along the way we grow in friendship. With gratitude, Julie & Jodie
I love the blooms on the great cut branches… March Madness
Keep up all the spring inspiration… You two make me want to decorate it up here at my home!!!:) thank you for making my day brighter too with all your kind words !???? March madness!
Aw Shelly, Thank YOU for being so kind and supportive. We love sharing and inspiring people…it’s like a major love fest. We feel so much love from everyone…it just fills our hearts up even fuller so it comes spilling out more and more. That’s how love works…the more you give the more you get. We hope you continue to visit us because we are planning on continuing the inspiration just for you 🙂 With love & gratitude, Julie & Jodie
I néed more faux flowers in my life. March madness!
I just want to tell you that I absolutely love your decor and style. I ordered the Morning Miracle about three weeks ago and have not started reading it,you have inspired me to move it to the top of the stack and will start it on Wednesday. Thank you and have a great March Madness. ♡ your beautiful souls! Susan
Wow Susan, Great minds think alike! Tomorrow will be our day 9 of our Miracle Morning Routine. We grow more devoted and more excited by the day…because that’s what it does to you…haha! It is truly transformative! We cannot wait to see all the lives it affects. We want everyone we know to benefit from this program. Wishing you all kinds of success…We hope you will continue to join us here on the blog so we can travel this journey together. With love, Julie & Jodie
Omg almost missed day 6! March madness!
Irene, We just love the enthusiasm. We have had a big decrease in commentors. It’s natural that people won’t maintain their enthusiasm for 31 days, so we recommend sticking with it as your odds will continue to improve 🙂 Of course we hope you come to our blog for the intrinsic joy of it…but a free gift wouldn’t hurt either! With gratitude, Julie & Jodie
Oh, right about now we take March madness seriously. We just moved into our 1923 farmhouse. Who knew we collected so much at our old house by the beach. It’s a new experience and bringing Spring indoors helps with the stress of unpacking dilemmas. It’s nice to know a few little touches will start the process. ❤️
Haha! Dana! You are so cute! Thank you for visiting our blog, especially amidst your busy moving and unpacking time. Although, it’s such hard work you need work breaks, so I’m glad you chose us for your fun work break…hee hee! We hope you will come back often and continue to visit us. We hope you will come along on this fun journey of design & inspiration. With gratitude, Julie & Jodie
You’ve convinced me…..I’m rushing out for tulips as soon as the store opens!! Happy March Madness!
This is my first time entering March Madness and I hope I’m doing it right! I so appreciate you guys doing this, and I love reading your blog! It has been so helpful, my blog is in the development phase right now (your advice has been valuable), and of course I love all your inspiration and tips! I live in Florida all year round, it’s so neat you guys vacationed here growing up. I feel like we can really embrace spring here with this being the peak of our growing season. I’m with you guys, I like both fresh and faux flowers, why not! Thanks for sharing as always! ~Stephanie
Stephanie, You sure are doing it right! Thank you for visiting our blog and for your very kind reply. So exciting about your blog! We will be publishing more about blogging and various topics like find your voice, and self help posts that inspire you so you can inspire others! We hope you come back often so we can travel this journey together. With blessings, Julie & Jodie
Thank you so much for these neat ideas. Some of these I had never thought of and I look forward to trying them. You two are so talented. Thanks for sharing. March Madness
Looks lovely! I just picked up some faux flowers. Can’t wait for spring ????
Its the time of year that not many flowers are in bloom but definitely will be cutting some limbs off of peach, pear and cherry trees! March Madness
Love to get inspired from your blog and Instagrams !! March Madness!!!
You are absolutely right about getting flowers from Trader Joe’s. They really have the best selection at an affordable price. Thanks for the tip about cutting them up the stem a bit. I hadn’t thought about that!! March Madness……. 🙂
I liked your post about the course you are taking. It sounds amazing. I even listened to a few of her free webinars.
Many Blessings…..
Love the budget friendly ideas. I love pillows and flowers.
And love this March Madness.
I have no gift for decorating, but I have plenty of desire. After a few days of seeing your IG feed, I realized I was seeing things differently…noticing every small and large change in styling. Suddenly it started making sense to me. I have learned volumes just by observing the way you place things and change the feel of everything around it…changing even one color can transform a holiday room to a bright spring garden room! I love learning from your every post and feeling uplifted by your genuine sweetness and will to teach us by example. I found your blog and like a sponge I was drinking it all in. I truly admire you both! You compliment each other perfectly because you were put side by side before birth to be a precious gift to your parents and the world. Thank you for your constant inspiration! Keep shining!
Julie, I don’t even have the words…but give me a second and I’ll find some haha! I’m never at a loss for words for long! This has to be the kindest message we’ve ever received, and believe me, we’ve received a lot! We are so very happy to have made an impact in your life, to have helped you, inspired you, and made you smile. It is all we hope to do! Blessings to you darling friend. You have blessed! With love and gratitude, Julie & Jodie
Once again such great advice! I just can’t get enough of your home! I love everything about it!
Thank you for sharing the tip on how to keep hydrangeas looking great longer. March Madness 🙂
I love using a mixture of fresh and faux flowers as well! Great spring decor tips for this month of March Madness! ????
Monica, Yes, mixing the two is the best of both worlds and will keep your guests guessing haha! We love that you made it to our blog. We hope long after the giveaway is over you will be returning to share in the fun and inspiration we have in store. With gratitude, Julie & Jodie
Love you girls. Your style, personality and humor make me smile. Love these tips- so easy and inexpensive. I’m looking out my window at the budding cherry blossoms and am going to put a branch or two in a vase for simplicity and beauty and to bring a lil bit of spring indoors. I also love your tip to use this time to clean, organize, simplify. I value your IG and blog so much. Thanks for helping to make my home a lil more ‘homey’. ❤ March madness.
Kat! What a wonderful, wonderful reply! My goodness…it’s enough to make me jump for joy! This is all we hope for…that we will positively affect our friends via our IG and blog. You make us feel so fulfilled in our efforts. Thank you! We truly hope you will continue to enjoy…maybe as much as we enjoy providing the inspiration! Thank you so much for your sweet support and incredibly kind words. With love & gratitude, Julie & Jodie
Your comments along with readers comments are just as interesting as you blog.
Loved your illegal pillows comment. March Madness day 9
I went shopping yesterday finally found a console table I wanted and I’m so excited to star styling, march madness
Janneth, That’s super exciting! Get styling! Haha. Well, here and on IG we’ve got plenty of inspiration for you. Have fun and thanks for joining us here on our blog. We hope you will make it a regular habit. With gratitude, Julie & Jodie
Been working on my spring/Easter decorating!❤️Trying to bring more faux flowers! March madness day 12???????? have a great week!!
Thank you so much for the tips, I love fresh tulip, and your spring decor absolutely Gorgeous ????
Love you both ❤❤
Loved this post. I love the calm and peaceful tone of your writing styles ~ very much how you appear on your stories anyway, you have beautiful homes and I love your tips for bringing a little freshness and a little spring into our homes! March madness!
Cara, Wow, what a great compliment. Thank you sweet friend. We love your support and hope you will continue to enjoy our blog. Blessings, Julie & Jodie
You know, I too, hadn’t even thought of cuttings off my trees and I have had a huge opportunity with the woods behind me for 17 yrs! What was I thinking? Ha! Free decor!! Go March Madness!! (not only for bball. From the bball capitol of Indiana. #IUterritory 😉
I am getting so many wonderful ideas from your decorating style! I love your IG stories! I would love to meet you in person!
I have to admit, I didn’t know there were design pillow slip covers until you all talked about it.
March Madness!!!!!!!!
: )
I am a new subscriber ???? I have been following your Instagram accounts for a while and absolutely love them! Thank you for sharing.
Love the ideas! I am ready to to decorate for spring!
Love the hydrangea issue… resolved! I, too, keep fresh flowers all over my house (thanks to Trader Joe’s!) I have also stopped buying hydrangeas due to wilting, now I have a new trick! Thank you!
Do you and Julie have a favorite place to buy your pillow inserts?! Pottery barn??
Love the blog! ????????????
Thank you, Andrea. We are so happy to have you on the blog. I like to get mine at Crate and Barrel. The have great down and down alternative that I love. With gratitude, Julie & Jodie
The changes are just adorable, I like that it is so doable! Also comma I appreciate you having resources available I just think that helps with time so I don’t have to sit there and try and look everything up on my own. Your home is very welcoming and I know anyone walking through those doors would feel absolutely loved!
Dee, Your words have a magic way of warming my soul. Your sincerity and depth of caring ooze through every syllable and I feel loved and appreciated. You are a wonder! Your light shines brightly darling friend. Thank you for coming and thank you for always brightening my world when you enter it! With love and gratitude, Julie & Joide
Thank you for sharing! You are both inspiring!!
Thanks for sharing! You are both inspiring!!
March Madness
I love all the tips! I can never have enough pillows in my life. I love that you mentioned a free option with as well. I’m definately inspired after reading all your tips and going shopping for sure today. Thanks for all the great tips!
I love this blog post…. I keep coming back to it!!! It gets me all excited to change things up in my home! Love all the ideas????
You girls are amazing! March madeness????
Hi Ladies! So happy spring is here! I went in my backyard and I could immediately smell jasmines. It’s wonderful! Love all your decor and your positive energy! ????????????March Madness ????????????
I love all of the ideas in this blog post. Every picture says “spring” and it inspired me to bring some springtime in my own home! You are very talented and wish that I could invite you into my home to help me decorate! Thank you for your posts!
This has been so helpful I’m going shopping to get a few spring goodie for my home.. thanks for sharing….March Madness
Love faux Flowers..they really do look beautiful and really easy to maintain…Lol.. but there’s nothing like real flowers as a centerpiece..!!!! Love all your sprung ideas!!
I just ordered a bunch of pillow cases. Looks like I’m aon the right track–now to figure out fake flowers. I love fresh ones, but I hate when they die. Nice to know fake is ok!!
March Madness
Great tips that everyone can use! I enjoy your blogs and videos so very much! Your sweet faces and beautiful spirits just make my day❤️❤️ Have a lovely Spring, and a blessed Easter????????????????. March madness! Jan, HomeGirls Design
I thought this post was very inspiring! I wrote a more thoughtful comment that was sadly deleted ☹️ It’s probably better to write from my computer. March Madness! Have s lovely weekend????
Great tips! I love having fresh flowers in the home! They certainly brighten any space!
We are so glad you enjoyed these budget-friendly decor ideas for spring! So do we, they make such a difference! Absolutely. Stay safe sweet friend!
Lots of love,
Jodie & Julie
Please explain what you mean by “cutting up the hydrangea stem.” I would love to have my cut hydrangea last for two weeks! Thank you.