Table of Contents:
Instagram Success Help: top 5 tips To Increasing IG Followers
We want to share our top 5 tips to increasing IG followers. With over 594k combined followers, we can help you start growing your feed today.
No matter what the focus of your feed (home decor, fashion, food, lifestyle) make sure that your photos are aesthetically pleasing. Learn as much as you can about photography.
So many factors go into a great photo, but lighting may be the most important of all. If you are using a phone’s camera you might want to check out the large variety of photo editing Apps that can enhance your photography options.
Follow successful people doing what you are trying to do and try to learn from what they are doing. If you can, buy a digital camera and learn to use it. Anyone can become a photographer with patience and practice.
TIP #2: Connect with your IG followers and your IG community.
Instagram is called social media for a reason. It is about more than just pictures. It’s about creating and nurturing relationships. When people start to follow and comment, try to comment back and thank them. This is how you create a following that is loyal. Comment with heart and authenticity.
Once you have selected your domain (i.e. home decor, travel, food) you want to try to follow the parameters of that domain. For example, if you are in the Home Decor Community on IG you may risk losing followers if you post a lot of personal family photos.
It’s important to make your content relevant and of the moment.
What are your IG followers interested in that is happening right now? Are they getting ready to host Thanksgiving in a week? A picture of your table setting would be perfect. Are they reacting to an emotional current event? A thoughtful, reflective post would be well-timed.
Tip #5: To increasing IG followers: Be yourself.
Let your personality shine through as much as possible. Humor is a great tool. And so is humility. Once you have shown that you can take a good picture and have something worthwhile to say, remember not to take yourself too seriously.
Everyone likes to know that you’re human and not as perfect as your pictures might suggest. IG is no place to be shy. Lead with your heart, your humor, and let your personality shine.
When people feel they’ve connected to a loving, generous and authentic person who cares about them and what they are doing, they will want to stay connected.
Read this article by Later Media, “How to Build a Strong Instagram Community” in 2020 to learn more ways to increase your following and your engagement on Instagram.
We hope these top 5 tips to increasing IG followers has given you some helpful information to begin or continue your IG journey. We welcome your comments and questions. Follow our continuing series on insights into Instagram by reading our other blog posts, “Turn Your Instagram into a Money Making Business Part 1.”

Great TIPS sisters!!!!! I’m gonna apply all of these pronto!!!!
What a sweetheart you are! Thanks for visiting us! I’m so glad you found these helpful! xoxo Jodie & Julie
This is honestly the best 5 tips to increase followers that I have seen shared either through IG or blogs. So many people try to gain followers the wrong way. Your way the honest way! I adore you girls!!!!
Hi Nicole,
You are so sweet! You are absolutely right…the best way to gain followers is to be honest, truthful and to be yourself. This is a pretty general list. We thought it would be a good way to start! We hope to be able to get into more depth and details about other things people can do, like hashtags, give-aways, etc. in the future!
Thanks so much for your kind comment!! xoxo Jodie & Julie
great advice. I think hosting hashtags and giveaways and loops really ganer followers as well. beautiful blog!
Absolutely!! It’s an excellent way to get involved and connect with the community. Thanks for adding your thoughts! We really appreciate it! xoxo Jodie & Julie
Kim could you tell me how you actually go about teaming up with others to do giveaways?
Hi Tammy, This is Julie & Jodie (not Kim) haha, Anyway, regarding your question, how do you team up with others to do giveaways: If you want to initiate a giveaway all you have to do is conceptualize a plan in your mind. Be ready and open for the plan to evolve as you receive feedback from people. Check out other giveaways happening on Instagram to get an idea for the types that are available. Sometimes everyone chips in $$ to create a gift card prize. With your proposal you simply direct message people who you want to invite to participate. Sometimes it is people who are makers donating an item they sell or any combination you can think of. Be warned, however, if you are doing a “loop giveaway” read the policies of Instagram. They do not like loop giveaways and we’ve heard IG may begin “cracking down” on people who don’t follow the policies in 2017. Thank you for reading our blog. Never hesitate to ask us questions. With blessings and gratitude, Julie & Jodie
Thank you very helpful.
Thank you, Shawonnica! We’re so glad you found it helpful! Thanks for your visit and your feedback! xoxo Jodie & Julie
Thank you so much ladies for sharing these tips! I love both of you IG feeds, they are so beautiful and inspiring! I always look forward to seeing your newest pictures and now your IG stories. Thank you for being so sweet and inspiring! Have a blessed day,
Hi Sabrina! We are so glad you liked it. We are blown away by your incredible comment! What a blessing you are! We are excited to continue this topic about Instagram with a series of blog posts, each one getting into more depth and detail. We are thrilled to have your sweet support. Blessings, Julie & Jodie
We’re so glad you enjoyed them! Thanks for your sweet comment…and for visiting!!! xoxo Jodie & Julie
Thank you so much for these helpful tips! Best wishes on your beautiful blog!
Oh my gosh, Lynne! I just saw your beautiful post on IG, and then here you are!! Commenting and being such a sweetie! Thank you so much for coming over to our blog! I can see we are going to be fast friends!! xoxo Jodie & Julie
Thank you so much sisters!!! That was wonderful advise. I’m relatively new to IG and I can’t wait to apply our tips! I follow you guys and you’re the cutest! Love your instastories and the way you laugh at yourselves. I have laughed out loud with you! I wish you continued success. God bless!
Love how you called us “Sisters” 🙂 It drives home how joyful we are to be doing this TOGETHER!!! We’ve waited so long to have a joint venture…this really is a dream come true for us. We are on the phone together right now as we read your sweet comment and reply! Just adore your sweet comment. It has truly touched our hearts (plural). God bless you too! XO Julie & Jodie
First and foremost congratulations girls for starting your blog…it looks amazing. And thank you for all your great tips…you two are such a light to this community…truly a blessing for all of us followers and I always love reading your uplifting comments. Kisses and hugs to you both!
You are such a sweet friend! We have cherished getting to know you on IG and it is so special to continue this journey on our blog with your love and support!! It’s hard to find words to express how much it means to us!! Sending love, xoxo Jodie & Julie
Great tips ladies. I don’t spend as much time as I use to on Instagram but I so enjoy connecting with great friends. I remember when I started following you both your followers were in the 100’s. Wow how you’ve grown your accounts and now blogging!!!! You are both very inspiring!!! Keep posting and blogging:)
Hi Tammie,
Thank you for taking the time to come and visit our new blog and to share your kind words of support! Yes!! It’s probably been about 2 years since we first started on IG and it’s been fun and exciting for us. Honestly, making real connections with women like yourself has been our motivation all along! And we are super excited that our blog will allow us more opportunities to share a varied passions and continue this journey with our friends!! God bless! With love and gratitude, xoxo Jodie & Julie
Perfectly timed and am in complete agreement! I have found consistency is kinda key too…so your followers know that the inspiration is coming regularly and reliably. Thanks for the post!
Hey Cindy,
It’s so nice to have you come and visit! And with all your expertise on IG we’d love to hear what you’ve found works for you! Thanks again for sharing your thoughts with us!
xoxo Jodie & Julie
Hi Julie & Jodie~
Great tips! I need to dedicate a little more time within my IG community. I struggle a bit with inner shyness, so I will adopt your ideas and see where it takes me! Thanks for inspiring me!!!
Lisa, We are so very grateful for your kind love and support. Our advice for you is to pretend you are not shy when dealing with social media. As I like to say, “Act as if…” Yes, pretend you are on stage and have a role to play…we’re not saying don’t lead with your heart. Au contraire, mon amie! Be all you are, just channel your favorite brave heroine. Take all the bravery you have deep down in your soul and put it into your actions and words…we know you will be rewarded AND, most importantly, you will enjoy the process. We wish you so much success! With love, Julie & Jodie
Hi, first off I love the blog and both IG accounts!!! I was wondering about how you get in on group tags that say follow all of the hosts to play along or how to you start new tags? I’ve thought of a few new fun ones but I need help getting them out there. I’m not sure if I should ask people or what to do. I feel like that is how a lot of these people get noticed when starting out. Thanks
Hi Amanda,
Thank you so much for your kind words and for following us! Yes, and it’s a really good question. It’s interesting because when we started hosting hashtags a year or two ago, there weren’t very many hashtags. There were a handful. But IG is changing and growing so fast…and hashtag design challenges are everywhere. That does’t mean you shouldn’t do them, it just doesn’t feel like they had the same power they had a year ago. That said, IG is about connecting with people. First through your pictures, and then personally. A good way to start is by connecting with the friends you have made on IG already and the people that you admire and approach them about doing a hashtag. There is no harm in asking and most people like being asked. Just be prepared for people to say no for a multitude of reasons. But the number one reason is that hashtags take quite a bit of time and commitment and people are spreading themselves very thin. So, if you can handle hearing no then you should have no trouble gathering a group together. Another good way to grow is to PLAY the hashtags and tag the hosts in the picture so you know they are seeing them. Comment on as many post and people as you can. That is how you connect. And if you really want to connect, think of things to say that respond to the content of their post, the words they are saying, what they are doing. This is so much more personal. It’s a way for people to connect to you as a person, not just an anonymous follower. Another way is to work on your pictures. A great way to be promoted and be SEEN is by winning hashtags. Pay attention to the rules of the hashtags because not only do people want to see a great picture that follows their theme, but it also might tip the scale in your favor if you mention the hosts and the details of the tag. It all helps. Sorry for the long answer, but it was a complicated question. I hope this helps a bit. Feel free to DM me in instagram as well! xoxo Jodie
You ladies have such a beautiful touch with everything you do! Whether sharing some helpful tips on your lovely blog, posting gorgeous pictures of your lovely homes, serenading us with a stirring, heartfelt violin duet on Christmas Eve day, or sharing a loving message straight from your hearts, it is such a delight to be included on your daily journeys in life! Thank you for being such a blessing and such an inspiration to your IG family!????
Wow Marla, Reading your comment could give me a big head!!! …if I didn’t give God all the glory. What a sweet, sweet, generous reply. Truly, I don’t know if we deserve all your kind praise but I would be lying if I said it didn’t feel good! 🙂 We sure hope you will come back to our blog just as often as your schedule will allow and travel with us on this fun & exciting journey He has planned for us. We have no real idea where we are headed, but we know it’s going to be a joyful ride, especially with lovely friends like you to make it so! With love, gratitude, and many blessings, Julie & Jodie
Thank you so much for all of the great information you two are so unselfishly giving.
I’m new to Instagram, but have so enjoyed posting my art work….Do you have any tips on how to post art work? Love following your stories!
Thank you.
Hi Lou Ann, Firstly, welcome to our blog! Thrilled to have you join us on our journey. We have THE BEST followers and subscribers in the world. We feel like you all give to US and we are just grateful. Since we don’t post artwork I have a couple of ideas but honestly, if I were to begin posting artwork my first plan of action would be to search IG and find people doing a great job of it already. I would follow these accounts and learn from what I saw that a) I loved b) suited my style and my artwork c) got a great response from people. You don’t have to recreate the wheel, just learn and hone your skills. Now, if I had nothing to look at I would imagine that showing the artwork in a variety of ways would we good. A feed with nothing but closeups of art only might be boring…it would be boring. So I imagine some closeups, some shown hung in rooms, maybe try out on an aisle in the garden…I mean just get creative and make it look as fabulous and as desirable as possible. Good luck, my darling friend. Please come back and visit us often…we would love to have you. With love and gratitude, Julie & Jodie
Just wanted to say what a delight it is to see your posts. I am new to the social world and you both seem so welcoming and open to share such amazing & beautiful ideas. Thanks, Sherry
Dear Sherry,
Thank you so much for your sweet comment. We are so happy you found our IG and blog inspiring and inviting. That is exactly our greatest hopes! Your words encourage us and we are in turn grateful. Your friends, Julie & Jodie
Hi there!
I’m just catching up on all your posts about IG – they’ve been so helpful as I start navigating this mysterious, yet super fun and exciting world!
Quick question – when you talk about commenting and how important it is – are you referring to Us responding to comments on our own posts or Us commenting on a post?
Thank you – and love you both!
(I’m not a twin, but I’m super close to my sister – you both are so lucky to be able to work together like this!)
Hi Karen,
So glad you are finding all our posts helpful. In answer to your question we talk about both aspects, replying to comments on your own feed we feel is essential. It builds community, tells your followers how important their input is, encourages conversation, builds relationships, and encourages more people to respond both immediately (because you are actively increasing engagement) but also in the long term. We also say that reaching out outside your own feed to the IG community as a whole is important. You have to build relationships in order to grow. If you have the very best photos on IG you might be able to get away without doing this, but for the 99.9% rest of the IG population this is very important. Hope that helps answer. Blessings on your journey, Julie & Jodie
Thanks for sharing such a great, very informative and useful article to instagram followers improvement tips.
Keep it up.
You are most welcome. We hope you will sign up if you haven’t already so you don’t miss any future posts. Look for our upcoming Instagram retreat as well as our online course. All the best, Julie & Jodie
Is this download no longer available? I have clocked and clicked…doesn’t take me to anything to download.
We are so sorry about that! It should be working now! Thanks for understanding!
Lots of love,
Jodie & Julie
Nice post
Thanks for sharing this great post to increase Instagram follower
We are so glad you found this post helpful. We really appreciate the support on our blog. Hope to hear from you again in the future.
Lots of love,
Jodie & Julie
I have been reading posts regarding this topic and this post is one of the most interesting and informative one I have read. Thank you for this!
We are so glad you found this blog post interesting and helpful. It means the world to us. Thank you for taking the time to read our blog and leave a comment.
Lots of love,
Jodie & Julie
Thanks for sharing this nice information.
Every single thing you do has such a beautiful touch! It is such a pleasure to be included on your daily journeys in life, whether it’s sharing some helpful tips on your lovely blog, posting gorgeous photos of your lovely homes, or serenading us with a stirring, heartfelt violin duet on Christmas Eve day. To your IG family, thank you for being such a blessing and an inspiration
I totally agree with the 4th number that hashtag plays an important role in Instagram. Using more hashtags will definitely give you more followers. Apart from this I will also try new hacks. Thank you….!!!