Table of Contents:
how I found god’s purpose on Instagram
Finding God’s purpose in your life’s pursuits is not always easy, but if you listen hard enough you might hear His message.
Good Morning Friends
I want to start just sharing, like friend to friend, heart to heart. It’s kind of what I do on Instagram. Except on IG, I run out of room and feel slightly guilty about writing too much. I want to share my “musings” with you without boundaries, without much editing, like we’re sitting across from each other sharing a cup or two of coffee.
So, Let’s Talk About Purpose
Did I tell you I quit my job? Yeah, I did. It feels good. Mind you, this is the job I LOVED last year. This is the job that took me out of my house, into my new world. I gained skills and confidence as a decorator and a professional. I met inspiring women and created gorgeous friendships. Growing in new directions every day I felt God using me in unexpected ways.
But after all that happened and a year passed, my joy started to wane. The store got crazier, and I got less satisfaction out of the very same things that had challenged me just 6 months prior. I prayed for direction. I didn’t want to be “a quitter,” so I really examined the why’s. Was I just bored in a “been-there-done-that” kind of way? Was I missing something right in front of me? Could my purpose be here and me not see it? I prayed some more.
Purpose On Instagram? Really?
At the same time, my efforts on Instagram were gaining momentum, and with it, a feeling of purpose. What had started out as a creative/social outlet was taking on a different mission. God urged me to share what was in my heart. I heeded His calling The more I listened to His direction, the more I heard His voice loud and clear. His messages to me were so strong that I stopped hesitating. I stopped worrying about what people would say or think (or if they would unfollow me). I didn’t care. What if one person was helped? This is what I think, what if one person is led to Christ because of my sharing? I ask, what if one person finds hope? My decision lay clear as day before me I had a mission. I found my purpose.
Why Success?
I am acutely aware that I am not a fabulous decorator. There are so many people who are much better decorators than I am. Why am I having so much “success” on Instagram? Having just enough God-given talent He enables me to inspire people and make them pause long enough to read. I realize that my ability to convey a message with words, my ability to style my home, my ability to take a photo. All these skills are supplied by my Creator for His purposes. And His purpose for me is to spread His message of hope, mercy and love to any and all who will pause, read and listen. It may be wrapped in a pretty package of home decor, but my purpose is clear.
Finding Your Purpose: My Faith Grows Deeper By the Day
My faith grows deeper still in this understanding of why He has given me these platforms. I know the answer to my questions of why. I don’t have years of Bible training or knowledge of the scriptures. My coming to Christ is fairly new. You may ask, where do the words come from? Sitting down to create a post for Instagram I really have no idea what I’m going to say. I pray and become a vessel. I promise you, God gives me the words. What more can I say? I give all the glory to God, all of it.
Have you read My Faith Story?
If you haven’t you might enjoy it.
Blessings to you dear friends.

Julie, such sincere words from a kind and caring soul…. as I read your words I do feel as if we’re sitting across from each other over a cup of coffee. You have a way of putting something so deep in a simple understanding heartfelt way. the way you share your faith so freely is an inspiration ? thank you Julie…..
❤️️ Patti
Dear Patti,
I am so happy to ready your response.Your words of encouragement mean everything to me. I woke up early with God’s message speaking to me so loudly I couldn’t sleep. I am about to write another God inspired post but first I read your comment. It is so wonderful. It is like God talking through you saying, “Yes, this is worthwhile. Write what I am teaching you so others may hear.” I wanted you to know the beautiful role God placed you in today. May you be blessed and feel the Love of our Father always, Julie
I love everything about your instagram and blog! I especially love that you are faithful woman ?
Thank you so much for your kind reply. We just love your support. High on our list of reasons to be sharing with people is our calling from God to spread His good news and hope for all. This calling is powerful and moves us forward. It is His plan we follow, His gifts, and to Him all the glory. In faith, Julie & Jodie
Thank you for sharing your heart. This is so beautiful and inspiring! May the Lord continue to use you and bless others through your testimony.
Sweet Bethany,
Thank you for reading and especially, for taking the time to write your loving reply. My heart is full. I can’t overestimate the power and importance of your words. As I said to my other sweet friend who replied, your support feels like God speaking to me encouraging me on my path. God’s messages are so powerful if we listen. With gratitude and love, Julie
I loved reading your blog today! It is so encouraging and inspiring! I love how you give God All the Glory! It encourages me to just keep on doing what I’m doing and let the Lord lead! As I told you before, when we bought our Farmhouse last summer, we were in a rental for 5 weeks because our other home sold so fast! So for 5 weeks, I started stalking Farmhouse accounts and starting following some and the rest is history ! The Lord has placed in me a passion and desire for creating a welcoming home for my family and friends! I want people to feel when they walk through the door so welcome and feel as if they could kick their shoes off, have a cup of coffee or glass of wine and just “be”.. be real and let all walls down! Some people who have seen our home ask if I’m a decorator and we literally laugh out loud! I have a degree in Education and also a Nursing degree ! I haven’t worked outside the home in 2 years and I’m just letting the Lord lead my steps and showing me where to go and what to do next! After reading your blog, a couple weeks ago, I felt encouraged to reach out to a local business and we are going to be working together a little bit! They are going to let me feature their merchandise in my home and in turn repost what I do as they have several followers on their IG account . It is a very nice business in Knoxville with 40+ stores/ vendors. Anyway, I was really excited about this opportunity and again I don’t know where it will lead but I felt confident to ask and here we go! -again, reading your blog gave me the confidence! Some friends and family have started asking” so what are you doing with The Concord Farmhouse “? and I just chuckle and say” I’m just loving decorating and being involved with a great community of women! Again, I have no idea where this will lead but what I do know is that it’s the Lord who has given me this sweet desire for creating beauty and comfort within my home ! Wow .. that was a lot ! We could have had lots of coffee right there! Blessings sweet friend and I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family! The Lord has layed on my heart to perhaps share my story from ashes to beauty….. my broken heart from my precious daddy passing to placing a desire to create sweet beauty in my home// which brings me peace, Joy and Happiness and that my friend is a GIFT from GOD…
Marcy, Dearest Marcy,
Sometimes you just know from the very start when someone is Heaven sent. You are one of those people. And I know God sent us to you similarly. As the song says, “God is on the move in many mighty ways!” Life becomes so exciting and so amazing when we let Him truly lead us. We are doing the same thing here on Instagram and our blog as you are doing. It’s all about the journey. Our final destination is less important. It will be about the people we touch and the people we are touched by along the way. Jodie and I count you among our many blessings today. Thank you for being you, Marcy. Thank you for sharing your sweet heart. Never hesitate to reach out to us with questions or to share. We know this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. God bless you, Julie & Jodie
You inspire me, Julie, every time we talk, when I read your posts on IG, and when I read your blogs. You seem to be speaking directly to me; it’s always what I need to hear. God is truly using you to work in people’s lives, and your mother for one is gaining insight about myself. I love you and your mission of caring. God continue to channel through my daughter, Julie.
Love galore,
Maman, It is so special to hear these words from you. Of course I am thrilled when anyone’s spirituality and connection with God is somehow increased by my words. But with you it is even that much more special. God used you to help me on my journey toward Him. He used you beautifully over and over again, speaking into my heart. Isn’t it incredible to be used by Him to connect His love, forgiveness, and hope to each of us? Thank you for your role. Thank you for your love and support always. With my heart full of gratitude, Julie
Thanks for listening to God. Through Him we are blessed with your knowledge and sincere hearts. GLORY be to our Father. ????