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How to Decorate for Fall on a budget: creative fall decor Ideas
Hone your creative decorating skills to help save money on fall decor and more.
Updating your home for fall does not have to mean spending a lot of money each year on new fall decor. We are going to show you our tips and tricks to use more creativity and less spending. Getting creative has so many benefits: it’s fun. It’s empowering. And your hubby is going to be so happy 🙂
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Did you know that creativity is a super power?
Did you also know that you don’t have to be born with it?
Just like any skill, you need to work at it.
Everyone has innate creative powers. Some people develop theirs, and some don’t. Developing this skill is as easy as tapping into your natural abilities and practicing. We are going to show you how to practice with easy-to-follow tips.
These tips will help you develop your creativity and help you save money when it comes to decorating your home.
How do you develop the confidence to create?
Simple. Start trying. You need to be willing to “fail”…even though there really is no failing. There is only stepping into a place that is uncomfortable.
Don’t worry, you won’t stay uncomfortable for too long. Soon this discomfort will be replaced with newfound excitement. The more you engage your creativity the more fun you will have and the more confident you will become. You are on your way!
Tips to Developing Your Creative Powers
- Keep practicing. Rome was not built overnight.
- Get inspired by others’ creative fall decor.
- Be careful you don’t get caught in the comparison trap while you’re being inspired by others.
- Celebrate your progress. Focus on small improvements. When you focus on how far you’ve come vs. how far you have to go you will be encouraged instead of discouraged.
- Have fun! With creativity there is no right or wrong. This is art, not science.
How Does Creativity Save Money on Fall Decor?
- Reuse what you have in new ways. Instead of always buying new decor use your creativity to use all that you’ve accumulated from years past in new ways.
- Don’t just put your decor where you had it last year. You’ll quickly become bored of the same old decor and want to buy more.
- Don’t look at pictures of last year and duplicate what you did last year. This isn’t any fun.
- Instead bring out all your decor and think outside the box. Creative fall decor happens when you use everything in new ways. Mix it all up and create something fresh.
- When you use “old” decor in new ways it makes it seem brand new. Trust us. It’s worth the effort.
- In addition, you’ll love the challenge and the process once you see how much fun it is.
Why Should We Work at Being Creative?
Personal fulfillment. When we stretch our abilities we are improving ourselves. This makes us feel fully alive.
It’s not just about saving money.
If this sounds like a lot of work we suggest you change your mindset. Creativity brings with it all kinds of intrinsic joys. When you engage your creative spirit, you are growing.
Creative challenge brings with it personal satisfaction and even joy.
And you thought you just wanted a pretty house 🙂
Who knows, you may even find yourself posting on Instagram with a new sideline or full-time career. This is our story. You don’t need to go to a university to get a degree in decorating to become a professional. You just need to be passionate and dedicated to the amazing process of creating.

Shop our favorite decor we use year after year. Visit our blog shop. Also here are a few of the items pictured.
Interested in owning a beautiful farmhouse sign that you’ll use and reuse year after year? We adore our farmhouse signs from our dear friend Whitney @ohsweetskye.
Reusing Fall Decor Saves on Storage Space and Clutter
Most of us do not have unlimited storage space. Reusing our existing decor saves on the problem of accumulating too much.
Accumulating too much can:
- clutter our houses
- overflow our storage areas
- make it hard to find what we need
- overwhelm us
- weigh us down physically and emotionally
Having too much can get out of control. It can lead to all kinds of issues, not to mention, a real mess. This is why getting creative with your fall decor is additionally important…creativity over accumulation is key.
Want more help organizing and decluttering? Our amazing blogger friend Erin @sunnysideup is such an inspiration and has endless wonderful ideas to get your home organized.
Smart Fall Decor Shopping Strategies
We all love a few new pieces each season. But take control of your decor stash with these tips.
- Bring everything out so you can see it all.
- After you’re done creating look at what remains.
- Get rid of anything you haven’t used in a year or more.
- If you don’t like it now there’s no reason to store it.
- Create a donate pile when you get out your decor.
- Now look at what you’ve created. Are you happy? What is missing that could really add to your vision?
- Here is when you make your shopping list of actual items you know you can use for your creative fall decor.
- This is how you only buy what you need to slowly build a collection you love and use year to year.
- Creative fall decorating is a natural result when you use this step-by-step process.
Creative Fall Decor is Fun
Don’t listen to the tapes in your head that have been playing for years. The tapes that say,
- “I’m not creative.”
- “I can’t decorate.”
Just because you haven’t tapped into your creativity yet does NOT mean you aren’t creative. It just means you haven’t focused time, energy, and effort on the process of becoming creative.
Get excited to begin (or continue) the journey with your creative fall decor and see the fun you can have. No matter where you are on your personal creative journey there are always benefits to pursuing creative endeavors.

I LOVE all of your pics! How wonderful to have a built-in best friend/sister who also has great decorating ideas and creativity. Wish we were neighbors and friends!
Hi Sharyn,
Thank you so much! What a kind reply. We love hearing from you. And we appreciate the compliments. We wish you were our neighbor too! We are sure we would have so much fun. We love how blogging helps bring us closer together even if we aren’t neighbors. We hope you continue to enjoy our decorating and our ideas. All the best, Julie & Jodie