Table of Contents:
6 budget-friendly decorating ideas for your home
Don’t have a lot of money to spend on your home decor? Relax! We are here to tell you that decorating does not have to cost an arm and a leg. Using these budget-friendly decorating ideas it’s easier than you might think to begin transforming your home today. From rearranging to re-purposing, from DIY to smart shopping we want to share these 6 money-saving tips for achieving a decorator-refreshed look without breaking the bank.
Budget-Friendly Decorating Ideas: Rearrange Your Furniture
This budget-friendly decorating idea may seem obvious but it’s not always as easy as it sounds. We think people don’t fully benefit from this all-important technique because it seems too obvious. We propose RETHINKING the house. It takes out-of-the-box thinking and some dedicated time, but we think it’s time well spent. And it doesn’t cost a penny.
Imagine you have your furniture in a moving truck in the driveway, we want you to re-imagine the entire house. Think about the purpose of each room. How are you really using your rooms? Are there rooms you hardly use? Are there other rooms that are dedicated to too many activities?
Begin with purpose and your house will make you happier. After you move on from purpose, move to style. For example, by swapping chairs or coffee tables you can give your rooms a refreshed look. The end result? It will FEEL like you went furniture shopping when you just went shopping in your house. Now that’s an awesome budget-friendly decorating idea!
Jodie recently swapped two coffee tables, one from her living room and one from her family room. After almost 10 years she has a new look and feel to both rooms, and she feels like she just acquired 2 new pieces of furniture. I am constantly thinking and rethinking furniture. The more you do it the better you get. And the bonus? If you don’t like it you can always trade things back.
Budget-Friendly Decorating Ideas: Transform With Chalk-Paint
DIY Projects

Budget-Friendly Decorating Tips: Create a Gallery Wall
Another of our favorite budget-friendly decorating ideas is to create a gallery wall. Do you have lots of blank white walls staring back at you? Think small, think gallery wall. Instead of buying a large (expensive) piece of art or a large mirror to fill that space it is much more economical to gather small items, i.e. small inexpensive picture frames, small decor items like these arrows below, that added together create a wow ensemble.
Another version of a type of gallery wall is a Plate wall. Be sure to check out our Plate Wall blog tutorial. This tutorial can also be helpful if you are creating a gallery wall. Many of the tips can be applied to any gallery wall projects.
Use Elements From Nature
Another budget-friendly decorating ideas is to skip the store for buying flowers or seasonal decor items and go straight to nature. Jodie just recently brought in a branch she chopped from a tree in her front yard, and it looked so amazing in her home. I love to gather pine cones and acorns and rocks to add natural elements to my trays.
And, of course, if you are lucky enough to have a yard and a garden, make sure to take advantage of what nature provides and take plant and flower cuttings indoors. The list of possibilities is limited only by your imagination. The added bonus is the adventure of collecting takes you into the great outdoors where you’ll undoubtedly enjoy fresh air, beautiful scenery and some beneficial exercise. Enjoy!
For more budget-friendly decorating ideas, read this helpful article from My Domaine.
Budget-Friendly Decoraitng Ideas: When in Doubt, Go Neutral
Now before you judge this budget-friendly decorating idea and say how boring, let us explain. We recommend keeping your big purchases neutral. Furniture should last you a LONG time. Years and years hopefully. They should last beyond your decor phases and design trends, move from house to house and/or room to room (possibly even be passed down to kids and the next generation).
Choose neutral colors and save the vivid colors and wow styles for your changeable, less expensive accessories. For example, we would recommend choosing a white, slip-covered couch and adding seasonal accents of color and pattern with your pillows and throws. We aren’t saying skip the style and fun, we are just suggesting having strategic “fun” and investing wisely.
In order to create a beautiful home you don’t need a lot of money. What you lack in budget you can make up for with CREATIVITY. You only need ingenuity, time, and the willingness to try. As Jodie and I can attest, there’s so much satisfaction in achieving results that are hard-earned rather than high-paid. Be smart, be brave, and have fun. If you start using these budget-friendly decorating ideas we think you will soon see the rewards in a creatively-inspired home you’ll be proud to show off.

I thought it was interesting how the article suggests going with neutral home decor. It says that the reasoning behind this is to make your accessories last well beyond your phase that you’re going through currently. This is definitely helpful since I’ve been having a hard time deciding what overall theme to accessorize with in my living room lately, and going neutral seems like it would be the best option for me right now.
Thank you John. We are so glad you made it to our blog and found this decor post helpful. We hope you will come back often to be inspired. Jodie and I thank you for your sweet support. Good luck decorating your living room! Best wishes, Julie & Jodie
Nice Article.It’s really worth to read it! Great tips on home decor.I will keep in mind as I am planning to implement into my home.Thanks for this article.
Diana, Thank you for your kind reply. We are thrilled you found our tips helpful. We love it when we can inspire people to create beauty in their homes. Empowering our followers is our number one goal. Good luck and enjoy the process! XO ~ Julie & Jodie
We just moved into our first home, and I need help with some tips on how to decorate it. I like how you pointed out that going with neutral colors for the big items might be a good way to start. This is a good idea so that when I go pick out the accessories I can pick the more vivid colors, and be able to change them out more easily with the seasons or as our tastes change. Thanks for all of the information.
Harper, You are so welcome! Sounds like this post was just what you needed at this crucial stage in your “decorating game”! So happy we could share our practical advice. It’s an exciting time in your life. We are happy we could play a part in it 🙂 We hope you will continue to turn to us for lots of inspiration and advice. Blessings to you, Julie & Jodie
Actually this type of post is very much needed for me. Last month we shifted. In new home, I am not so comfortable because decoration. I don’t know why!!!! Now reading this post, it will very much helpful for me to re decorate house. And also budget is a big fact but here I got budget friendly decoration tips… really thanks for this post.
Jodie and I are delighted, truly thrilled, to hear this! Jodie and I have both struggled at different times, trying to decorate our homes within tight budgets…it’s additionally challenging for sure. However, it is more gratifying in the end! It’s pure “problem-solving” with your creative brain. We are so happy to help you on your decorating journey and hope you’ll visit us again for future ideas and inspiration. With blessings, Julie & Jodie
I like how you suggested creating a gallery wall. It was helpful that you included hanging inexpensive frames and other small decor items to fill up space. My sister recently moved into a new home, so she has been redecorating it to fit her style. It could be beneficial to her to consider these ideas as she decorates her new home with a budget.
Brynne, We’re so glad you found some ideas to take away. Budget decorating ideas are one of our specialties so we hope you’ll come back for more ideas and DIY projects. Wishing you the best, Julie & Jodie
@jjdesigntwins thanks for the well describe post it help me to decor my home. god bless you..
Anna, We are so glad you visited our blog. We hope you will come back often for continued inspiration and decorating tips and advice. Fall is right around the corner, so we’ll have all kinds of fresh decorating ideas. Hope you’ll join us then. Many blessings to you too, Julie & Jodie
@jjdesigntwins m following your blog & thanks for blessing,,,,
Dear Ana,
We are very happy to help inspire your budget decorating with these ideas. We have found great joy in decorating and also in sharing our ideas here on the blog. We hope you continue to visit for lots more inspiration to come. All the best, Julie & Jodie
Thank you for all this great information about your home decor tips! I really like your point about using elements from nature that it will fill in the space with an organic warm feeling. My husband mentioned that he would like to see more plants in our home, so maybe we could look into that a bit further.
Sandra, We are very pleased you enjoyed our budget-friendly decorating ideas. It always feels good to be smart about spending. Using our creativity and ingenuity is always well-placed. Not only do we save money but there is a real sense of pride and accomplishment when you create what money just can’t buy! Enjoy the journey, Julie & Jodie
I am trying to decide how I should decorate my sisters baby shower and apart of my gift to her is a new decor design that I want to go with the shower and her home. It has been a hard time trying to find something that she would want that works with both so this article was really helpful. Your tip about going neutral with big purchases like furniture and things like gifts should outlast all the fashion trends. Thank you for the great advice.
Good Morning Barbara, Welcome to our blog! We are so very happy to hear that our blog post was helpful for your project. To be even a small part of this generous project for your sister warms our hearts. We love to hear the stories of how our followers are employing our tips, and this sure is a great one. We wish we could be there to see the final results of your hard work for the baby shower and baby room. We are sure with all the hard work and love you put into it it will be absolutely wonderful. Thank you for sharing and we hope you will come back often to visit us here. Blessings, Julie & Jodie
Really great ideas !! Love it……..
Thank you so much for you comment! We really appreciate your feedback and your visit!
Jodie & Julie
Your ideas are super cool and really beneficial to enhance anyone home decor. Loved it! Keep sharing with us more ideas.
Thank you so much for your kind praise. We sure will continue to share. We hope you continue to enjoy. Fondly, Julie & Jodie
It’s awesome that this article talked about getting neutral furniture and decorating with vivid accents since it is much cheaper to replace the accessories rather than the tables and sofas. Fortunately, our sofa is in the shade of brown. I could easily buy and blend colorful accents anytime I get bored of the current house decor. Thanks for these tips!
We are glad you agree with our decorating advice. Everyone has their own unique style and of course every decorator has their own advice to give. But when something resonates with you it’s a good thing regardless. So happy you had some good “take aways” from this post. Take care, Julie & Jodie
I like the idea that rearranging your furniture actually makes a difference in decorating your home. It’s good that you pointed out we should think about the purpose of the room when doing the arrangement. My wife and I are planning to renovate our apartment to make it look new and refreshing. We’ll keep in mind the tips you mentioned. We’re also thinking of adding home decor accents to our apartment.
So glad that we inspired you with these tips! Sounds like you have a lot of good ideas, and hope you continue to enjoy our posts in the future!
XO ~ Jodie & Julie
re arranging furniture is really tough one and really do blunder if not done carefully… i was thinking about it from long time but never get chance or any idea to do it so… but i am going to do it right away..
Enjoy the process, My Friend. Glad you were inspired! Blessings, Julie & Jodie
Thanks for these decorating ideas. I personally like the idea of having a gallery wall, especially if you can use small decor items. It seems like a good way to create a unique theme to a room, especially if it can really define you as a person.
Hi Taylor, Thanks for joining us on our blog. We agree totally. And you articulated it so well. Gallery Walls are additionally fun because it’s so easy to change out an item here or there and keep things looking fresh. We hope you will sign up for our blog and continue to enjoy all we share. All the best, Julie & Jodie
I really like the advice to take things from nature, especially if you have a garden and can incorporate plants and food into your interior decorating with ease. My wife is very big into gardening and has just recently started to get into redecorating some areas around our house. I will be sure to recommend to her that she can combine her two new hobbies, and make the inside of our house look new and wonderful!
Thank you for the sweet comments! Glad you got some good ideas for your wife! Hope you continue to enjoy our posts in the future! XO ~ Jodie & Julie
That is precisely what my husband and I have been looking for! We’re in the process of remodeling our living room and needed a little inspiration. Thanks!
We are so glad you found the blog so helpful! That is our number one goal, to inspire people like you! Thank you for the sweet comments dear!
XO ~ Jodie & Julie
Thanks for sharing this blog
Great! All your decorating ideas are really pocket friendly. Thank you so much for sharing this one.
Thank you for the sweet comments! We are so glad you enjoyed these decorating ideas!
XO ~ Jodie & Julie
These tips are really useful. Even changes in style and furniture makes a huge change. The ideas was so great!
We are so glad you found these ideas useful! Hope to see you visit our blog in the future!
Lots of love,
Jodie & Julie
Your tips and ideas are super cool and really beneficial to enhance anyone home decor. I have surf various home decor websites but this one really catches my attention. Keep sharing more posts and Ideas.”
Big Love Big Support!
Love your blog!! You always have great tips and are very inspirational. Thanks so much.
We are so glad you are loving our blog. We thank you for taking the time to sweetly reply. Hopefully you’ll keep enjoying all we share. Blessings to you, Julie & Jodie
Hey there,
Nice to see your website, and your article about budget friendly home decoration is also awesome. thanks!!
Wow, this is my favourite post so far – lovely ideas, gorgeous interiors. Bravo!
Hi there,
Thank you so much for this kind comment. We appreciate it so much!
Lots of love,
Jodie & Julie
Awesome! No words. You always go one step beyond.
There is so much great, useful information here. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Read our guide if you wish.
Thanks again 🙂
Hello there,
Thank you so much for these kind words! We are so appreciative. So glad you found this post helpful. We will check it out!
Lots of love,
Jodie & Julie
Thanks for sharing this article! it’s an interesting one!
You are so welcome sweet friend! So glad you found this post interesting. Hope to hear from you again in the future.
Lots of love,
Jodie & Julie
These are some beautiful ideas! Thanks for sharing
wow what a wonderful website i have stumbled across, you are so inspirational
Aw you are so sweet hun! We are so happy to hear you have found our blog. This means so much to us. Hope to hear from you again in the future.
Lots of love,
Jodie & Julie
I love this article and all information about home decoration ideas in budget. this article helped me a lot. Keep on writing such a wonderfully informative post.
We are honored that you found this blog post helpful. We appreciate the kind comment as well! Hope to hear from you again in the future.
Lots of love,
Jodie & Julie
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[…] “Budget-Friendly Decorating Ideas: 6 Easy Tips” “The Best Home Decor Items To Find At The Thrift Store” […]
I am looking for budget friendly decorating ideas and didn.t get any helpful information or idea. But your these 6 tips are modern and chic and easy to follow. Thanks for sharing these amazing home decorating ideas.
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Thank you so kindly. You are right! There are a lot of blogs. We sure are happy to hear you enjoy ours. Best wishes, Julie & Jodie
Just what I was looking for. Thanks!
Hey there,
Nice to see your website, and your article about budget-friendly home decoration is also awesome. thanks!! Would like to read articles on budget-friendly home automation ideas as well.
Thank you for the well-described post, it helps me to furnish my home decor.
We’re so glad you enjoyed our tips. We hope you continue to find our blog helpful and enjoyable. All the best, Julie & Jodie
Thank you for sharing such an informative article about budget-friendly home interior decorations. A few days before, I came across another such article by Vishraam Builders that explained in detail budget-friendly interior decorations. Check out the complete blog here.
Your idea is unique and effective. This type of method is essential for decorating. Your idea saves me a huge amount of money.
Nice ideas. It’s really good. Thankyou for sharing
Interesting ideas. Thankyou for sharing your ideas.
[…] may take a little while to curate.(1) “Budget-Friendly Decorating Ideas: 6 Easy Tips” (2) “The Best Home Decor Items To Find At The Thrift Store” […]
It really helped when you said that we could start with a purpose for our home before thinking of a style. I will keep that in mind before buying house decorating accessories. It will definitely help me with making my new flat feel more personalized.
A quick and easy way to decorate on a dime is to update old fixtures, especially in the kitchen. 👍
Agreed! Thanks for your reply, Julie
[…] may take a little while to curate.(1) “Budget-Friendly Decorating Ideas: 6 Easy Tips” (2) “The Best Home Decor Items To Find At The Thrift Store” […]
Great ideas, interesting content
Thank You!
There are so many blog i read right know but any one of them satisfy me but this one is so informative blog.
Great content! I love it!
[…] may take a little while to curate.(1) “Budget-Friendly Decorating Ideas: 6 Easy Tips” (2) “The Best Home Decor Items To Find At The Thrift Store” […]
Amazing steps. I want to decor my living room, working area & kitchen areas. Through this blog. I got lot of inspiration from decor ideas. Thanks for sharing. Please share more blogs.
Great Post
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